Replying to Jus need sum quick help with eng Thx
well for eng we had to do a expresive paragraph or whatnot and well i extreamly suck at english so i was wondering if u guys can just take a quick glance at what i whrot and just help me out
it would really be apriciated
well i had to write the paragraph about a some short story called "twelfth Summer"
this is what the instruction was "what are the three strongest qualities that motivate the narrator in the story twelfth summer?"
here is what i got it
(i no like none of you read the story it really dosent matter) i really need some help making a conclusion as well
plz don't make fun of me for my extreamy poor english skills
well this is it
While reading Twelvth summer I found there are quite a
few qualities that modivate the narator throughout the story but
that there are three domenant qualites. First off is jelousy. The
narrator is jelous that Sonny gets all the attention from thier perants
and she is just ignored. An example of this would be when her father
decideds to let sonney cast instead of her evan though she is much
older and wasn't alowed to cast untill a few weaks ago.
Her jelousy of her brother motivates her to want be known when she
grows up and get a trouphy. Evan though she can't decide between a poet
actress or diver she knows she will be famous and her parents will pay
more attention to her. A second quality that motivates the narrator is
confidence. She is confident in her self that when she grows up she
will be famoue even though she gets no support from her parents. As she
says in the book she could picture herself getting awarded for winning
a trophy for diving/acting/writing a poem. A third quality i found that
motivats the charecter is honesty. She is honest throughout the story
and evan though most of the time she doesn't admit stuff out loud she
is honest to herself. A good example of this is when Sonny leave for
his first day of work and she admits to herself that she was lonsome
for him. She is being honest to herself because she admites that she is
a bit jelous of him and also obviusly that she misses him.
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