so last night at a party i had a little to much to drink, and this kid wanted to box someone so i stepped up and boxed him... we boxed and we hit each other pretty good and it was over pretty shortly, well anyways later that night that kid comes over and gets in my face saying that he could take me in a real fight and all this shit, he was drunk too by the way so i push him back and he throws a punch and we get into a fight...meanwhile a group of kids forms around us and my friend whos like twice our size fucking blindsides him in the back of the head.. knocking him to the ground... then my drunk ass, without even thinking grabs a beer bottle and smashes it into the kids head... long story short the kid passes out and someone takes the kid to the hospital and hes not looking to good, supposedly he suffered a concussion when my friend hit him and then i caused more damage by hitting him with the bottle, i guess he had some internal bleeding of the brain or someshit so now i may be facing a law suit or legal troubles, im kinda fucked right now does anyone have expierence with this shit or no what kind of legal trouble im looking at if he decides to press charges
yeah i was masturbating once and my mom walked in on me and saw everything. it freaked me out when the door flew open and for some reason it scared my into cuming. so my mom saw me cum... _SimonFiller