Posts: 9274
Karma: 10,656
SlipKnoT888- 'Your a dumb ass look at what happend on 9/11 that what started it all. then Iraq has been making nuclear weapons so shut the fuck up this has nothing to do with fuckin oil you dick face.'
Alright, here we go...
First off, you're a fucking shit-faced dickhead with cheese for a fucking brain because you stick your fucking stupid opinion into a thread where people are trying to have a fucking intelligent and respectful discussion about an important topic. You, however, are full of fucking stupid viewpoints, are totally uninformed about anything and everything to do with oil, Iraq, and our nation, and furthermore, you're a loser who listens to Slipknot and sews patches on your school backpack because you think it will get your attention. If that isn't bad enough, you choose to address people using derogatory terms (for example: 'SlipKnoT, you fucking stupid-ass dick-sucking bitch of an idiot'), which will get you nowhere in life, or on this message board.
Second off- Oil has everything to do with this, you dickface. Why? Let's try to think back about 10 years to a certain conflict known to many as 'the Gulf War.' Remember your US history course? Yeah, that's right. We invaded after Iraq took over Kuwait. Why did we do this? To secure US oil supplies. You see, we're not going to war with Iraq because we think he's dangerous; he isn't, and he has nothing to do with 9/11. 9/11 has NOTHING to do with this; have you gotten that through your thick head? I hope so. We will go to war because George Bush and our government tells us so, and who knows why they tell us? Maybe they want oil... maybe the Israelis have been lobbying for it... maybe GWB just is proud of his big new gun and wants to shoot it a bit. But we WON'T invade Iraq because of nuclear or chemical weapons, or support of terrorism, or any other such bullshit. Do you know why? Because Saddam isn't fucking stupid enough to shoot off any fucking missiles UNLESS he has a reason to, i.e. some country attacking him. So if the U.S. invades Iraq then Saddam will put a few nasty missiles in the air and kill some nice friendly American troops, and then we in the U.S. can get all worked up about it and congratulate Bush for being RIGHT AFTER ALL! about the whole scenario, and then we can proceed to plaster Iraq, lose thousands of soldiers and kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, crush a nation already crushed by sanctions, and alienate the rest of the world while we do it.
Sorry, I didn't quite have enough 'fucks' in that to make my point clear... is my vocabulary low enough for you? Next time I'll make sure to keep my profanity per word percentage much higher. Go fuck yourself with an oil derrick.
--Disgruntled and Nostalgic Crazed Posting Bro!--