so what your saying made a 3000 dollar bet, you havent yet lost it, but the guys you made the bet with are going to kick your ass because they think you cant pay IF you do lose?
1) these guys sounds like whiny ass motherfucking douchebags. tell them to fuck off you dont owe them shit becayse you havent lost yet, when youve lost youll pay the, and in the meantime its none of their business. get your friend to back you up on the pjysical side, and fucking wreck them when they object, they sound like bitches
2) if these are like the hells angels or shit, and you have no optionb but to do what they say, and you will be hurt badly if you dont have the $$$ ( i doubt it but you nevefr know, organized crime are about the only people you should be afraid of, if its just some jock beat him the fuck up) then:
- sperm bank donations, you hafta be i think 19, it depends on where your from
- scalping tickets to some event (risky, if nobody buys your worse off than before)
-selling possessions (again, it better be good shit or few will buy)
-selling ski shit. like your skis. this is one of the few things you probably have that ill fetch hard cash fast. it sucks but if your in serious enough shit to hafta get this cash, youll do it
-borrow cash from friends
-try and find temp. landscaping work, or window cleaning or some short term shit, this alone will not back you 2100 in a week though
whod you make the bet with?
It aint me, it aint me, I aint no senators soOOonnN, it aint me, it aint meEEE, I aint no fortunate oOONNE