So last night me and my friends threw a bonfire in the forest back behind my college. It was ment to be a small little thing but all these people started showing up (even this blind girl who I have no idea how she got there (it's a 30 minute walk through the bush)). So all these people show up and it starts getting out of hand and noisy and shit...and then this old man from the college came and told us to put out the fire. So we are like whatever and keep the fire going and then an hour later he and like 3 other staff come back with buckets of water and put out our fucking fire. So as soon as they leave we get the fire going again and keep partying and shouting and stuff.
In the morning my friend realizes that he lost his camera and all these people are talking about how loud these people in the bush were and shit. So it turns out the staff guy found the camera which had pictures of people at the fire, and us being on the roof and other areas we shouldn't be and looked at them all to see who was there, and today there was a whole bunch of meetings about what to do about the situation. Does anybody know what kinda of trouble we can get into?...the college is not supposed to have alcohol but we were off property. Can we even get into any trouble?