well this is not really that related, but i almost just claimed the largest car insurance, and life insurance claim, ever. So i just dropped off this girl who I'm kinda seeing, and i am driving home and there is this hill with a cross street, and no stop sign and then another downhill. SO if you are going around 70ish, you can get air like "cruisin USA style" and anyway i hit that shit at about 75, doing it all the time, i knew this was the right speed in my car, and for a nice smooth landing, about 40 ft of distance is about how much i cover. anyway, there are always cars parked along the sides of the roads because it is a residential area. Well knowing it was 230 in the morning i figured there wouldn't be anyone within a mile of me, so i went for it without checking first. As soon as i got over the hill and went airborne, i saw this white toyota sedan on the right side slowing down like 80ft in front of me and she starts to turn into this driveyway, so iw as hard on the brakes, and thought everything was alright. turns out he/she was making a u-turn and began turning left into the middle of the street. not knowing i was doing about 80 and just barely had reached the ground again. I'm thinking holy shit, this is it, I'm gonna die.... there is a big truck parked opposite of the u-turning car, and i have no idea but i managed to slip through with INCHES to spare. I was just waiting for the loud crash of her hitting my rear quarter panel, and i go sideways into the truck..then i squeeze by and nothing happens. i was fucking terrified at this point, but i barely swerved and maneuvered this TIGHT squeeze at about 60 mph after some hard breaking, and then this guy decides i disrespected his hood, and decides to follow me. after about 15 min of cat and mouse i lose the fucker, never allowing him to be close enough to read my license plate. I almost died..... that was fucking NUTS. wow this was longer than i thought it would be.. ok done
Dear God, Can you put anuther holiday between christmas and easter, there is nothing good in there-Ginny
(aint that the truth haha^)