^The speech should have been made two weeks ago, and there should have been another speech last week as well as this one. by delaying the speech for so long, Bush is just playing into the hands of his critics. This is just another example of how beaurocracy behind the disaster relief screwed everything up.
although i did think that the speech was a better one, there were still major gaps in it. for example, Bush kept talking about how New Orleans would be built "better and higher." How exactly does he plan on doing this? The budget for such a project has been estimated in the $200-billion plus area and there is no way that the US can afford to payroll such an expensive project. The speech gave me the impression that the US was finally getting its act together and had some good ideas to move forward with but that the brains hadn't realized that they simply don't have the money to pay for it all.
My favorite part of the speech was the last few lines. I liked the analogy Bush used about the jazz musician's funeral and all. Very effective.
Even though the speech did restore some hope in people, there were to many holes in it for me to really approve of it.
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