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The Real Meaning of the Word FUCK
Posts: 1068
Karma: 8
I learned this today from my business teacher.
It was used in the medevil time when someone commited adultry they would right Fuck above them to tell the people what the person did wrong.
FUCK. The most versatile word in the English language
Posts: 4719
Karma: 20
yeah dude my history teacher told me about that, shit also means something, its about a sail boat. He said almost all profanities originated as acronyms or had some other meaning
f you do the sickest switch cork ever people will still say why dont you have bigger pants" - Fr2planker
Posts: 1228
Karma: 332
my grade 5 teacher told us that giving the finger meant slow down so in that class if someone was running we were able to flip them the bird
'dont jizzz in a hot tub youll have sperm the size of salmon in a week.'
My time is winding down.............just wait for it
Posts: 14693
Karma: 786
$ $ $ $ $ B O S T O N | B A C K C O U N T R Y $ $ $ $ $
Posts: 21048
Karma: 5,062
the best insult i heard from this little skank in grade 9 was when she looked at her other skank of a friend she was mad at, flip her off and said 'why don't you sit on this and rotate!'
i laughed my ass off for... well i'm still laughing to this day
stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
- phunkin phatt phreerider
- capital city rider / dfp
keep it real.
Posts: 6176
Karma: 23
well bitch means
more like "my chemical GAY romance with a gay man"!-mommy
Posts: 1802
Karma: 13
"Lets go smerk!" - Susie Cuddy
"My eyes, they can't take in his radness." - Sonny Anderson
"Wild Flour Wild Water" - Danny Day
"The goodness just explodes in my mouth!" - Bill Fleming
Posts: 3023
Karma: 21
now im laughing!
Want stickers that still look great after a day on the hills?
Fadeproof Scratchproof
a sticker send it to us you might just win!)
Posts: 6715
Karma: 267
im pretty sure that is just a coincidence, because its actually from the German language.
Just ski.
Posts: 3477
Karma: 163
Posts: 7701
Karma: 535
M.A.M.S.P....NWFT(cause everyone else has it there)
Posts: 9201
Karma: 135
haha thats great
to jibij
Posts: 10281
Karma: 36
that one kid posted like an essay that was supposed to be high quality university level...yet it had petty grammatical errors
If it aint gorilla, it aint steeze
act like you're going to kiss her then just lick all over her fuckn face - Parkboy
Posts: 428
Karma: 10
Posts: 4221
Karma: 20
Posts: 2247
Karma: 63
the used to write F.U.C.K. over the stocks( wooden things that clamp over the the wrists and neck) of the people that had commited adultry
For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
hahahah fuccking sluts
' yes wiener you are the coolest, sexiest piece of man meat ever to walk this planet' Jeff Schmuck ahahahah
Posts: 813
Karma: 11
Posts: 410
Karma: 10
Ya our history teacher told us it meant Fornicate Under the Consent of the King. Which meant when you went to debtors jail for a while they would allow your wife to come in and F.U.C.K. you.
So im pretty sure no one actually knows what it means .
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