Really, how?
For someone like me, I live in Newfoundland Canada on the east coast in Corner Brook, look it up. There are only three ski hills in this entire province. Two in Newfoundland and one in Labrador (the province is called Newfoundland and Labrador by the way) The one I live by is the biggest. It has like.. fuck I dunno 40 runs at the most? The mountain out in Labrador is so small they have a life half way up (a t bar lift, one that you shove a plate thing through your legs and it pulls you up) then you walk the rest of the way up. And the one on the east coast (i'm west coast) is just shit, it's the second best.
There are no ski shops, there is one but it it's a pure ski shop, infcat maybe 10% of it is. The rest is Newfoundland souvineer crap. So to buy stuff is shit because we have to order from away, and we are charged 15% tax. Then we have to pay for shipping to here. So add that up and it gets expensive. No i'm not on walfare or anything I just dont think this is cool.
The last time our mountain had a local comp was last winter, it was canceled due to lack of intrest. Everyone knows the good people on the mountain. There are four good skiers on my mountain, two moved away to BC for a year and are comming back and I bet they'll tear it up.
The reason young kids are wicked at skiing is because they start on big bad ass hills like Blackcomb or Whistler (yes there might be better ones in your opnion but we don't care) I have nothing. Marble Mountain (the one I ski at) has one table top, one half pipe that you can do maybe four good hits off it at the most (if you don't shoot off the walls which are at 45 degree slants). There are two rails , one 10 foot dfd and one straight on the ground 4 inch in diameter rail and one 10 foot box. Thats it! It sucks so much. We don't get that much snow and the guy that made the park was fired for some reason. So basically there is no park what so ever. The top half, which was made last year, was cut down and covered with snow, it had two jumps on it the first year it was built and that was it, you aren't even allowed to ski in it anymore.
And the jumps, they weren't even real hits. I could build one in an hour, thats how shit they were. They were just mounds of snow with a landing that was pretty short and flat, it was pointless to hit it. Anyway I wish prices were cheeper so skiiers at small hills could buy more shit and look like a skiier, not a boarder or something else.
The grammer and spelling in this was shit, sorry. And I kinda trailed off and had to get that off my chest.
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