Get a posse together and win a free ticket or a t-shirt even a DVD:
Act as a Plehouse rep and get all of your buddy’s to come down to the MTL premiere of Montreal and get free stuff for helping us out!!
Buy 10 tickets for White Shine in Montreal and get a free ticket
Buy 15 tickets for White Shine in Montreal and get a free ticket and a White Shine T-shirt.
Buy 20 tickets for White Shine in Montreal and get a free ticket and a White DVD.
This contest is only good if you buy your tickets in advance at the D-structure Pro shop (2043 St-Denis)
All Tickets 10$
Check out for more info about the Montreal premiere at other premieres in your area.
Montreal White Shine premiere
Date: September 22nd 2005
Where: Cinema AMC Forum 22 (2313 Ste-Catherine West)
Time: Doors: 7:30pm Show: 8:15PM
Price: 10$ Tickets available at D-Structure (2043 St-Denis) or at the door
Extras: Pros on site and more that 3000$ in prizes
Party: Roy bar (351 Roy east) after party. 8$ pitchers + prizes. 4$ or free with your screening ticket.
Come meet the team for a happy hour at the D-structure shop (2043 St-Denis). 5pm the same day.
Pléhouse Team
White Shine coming out Sept 2005
The D team film