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Funniest thing i have ever seen
Posts: 2050
Karma: 13
Posts: 2050
Karma: 13
Posts: 1494
Karma: 33
I hate racers!!!!!!
Italy 4 ever
Posts: 8198
Karma: 258
Posts: 7906
Karma: 33
I dont really see how thats funny.... the US does massacare people and opresses hundreds of millions.
Like a virgin on promnight!
please pardon the cacography.
"go down to the bottom bunk and finish yourself"
Posts: 9956
Karma: 18
name a contry that doesn't oppress people
My weiner is probably harder than yours.
Posts: 7906
Karma: 33
How is that even relavant?
Like a virgin on promnight!
please pardon the cacography.
"go down to the bottom bunk and finish yourself"
Posts: 13785
Karma: 1,956
yeah i didnt find it funny at all
I'll drive it untill the wheels fall off, then I'll buy new wheels!
Posts: 1681
Karma: 10
the US does massacare people and opresses hundreds of millions
apple quit being a wannabe bohemian...you have no idea what the US has done for the rest of the world.
Posts: 7906
Karma: 33
apparently neither do you...
But I would love to be enlightened as to the wonderful things that the US has done to help the rest of the world.
Like a virgin on promnight!
please pardon the cacography.
"go down to the bottom bunk and finish yourself"
Posts: 13106
Karma: 18,907
Not to be offensive, but the US does have proglems minding their own business especially repubicans. Think of the wars Viet-Nam, Korea and Iraq.
The reason it is "funny" because Americans deny it all together.
he US shits 5 million dollars every day that is nothing thats not enough money to do jack shit. The US alone spends about 5 BILLION each year in foerign aide -dArKfranchise
Responsibility, what's that?
Posts: 13809
Karma: 93
i liked the comparison in the second vid of abe lincoln, and of benjamin franklin to... Hulk Hogan. I AM A REAL AMERICAN!
Patty "typos are an artform" W.
*NS Skateboarders* Vas y il l'a cassé!
Honestly, who throws a shoe?
Posts: 6176
Karma: 23
more like "my chemical GAY romance with a gay man"!-mommy
Posts: 7121
Karma: 15
you must be fucking kidding us right?
"When evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will evolve."
" i saw samuel l. jackson sessioning some urban rails with emilio estevez a few years ago" i_am_a_skier
Posts: 1639
Karma: 43
Posts: 7121
Karma: 15
may, but then again, Canada is about as useless as a double ended condom
"When evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will evolve."
" i saw samuel l. jackson sessioning some urban rails with emilio estevez a few years ago" i_am_a_skier
Posts: 8554
Karma: 183
Member Number- 13302
Posts: 14693
Karma: 786
$ $ $ $ $ B O S T O N | B A C K C O U N T R Y $ $ $ $ $
Posts: 8384
Karma: 38
That shits not funny, dude. That's the shit that makes people fly planes into buildings.
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
Actually it kind of reminded me of the Team America song.
----RIP Signature------
Posts: 3477
Karma: 163
North Korean propaganda. You gota love it. I totaly laughed my ass off.
Apple, I think you statement, to put it mildly, is a stench.
BTW, Hulk Hogan is the man.
The only rich people who are truly lucky are the ones who win the lottery.
~~Phunkin Phatt Phreerider~~
**Proud member of the d-loc fanclub**
Posts: 13809
Karma: 93
dude, did you see his pants during the guitar solo?
that, is what the USA is all about.
Patty "typos are an artform" W.
*NS Skateboarders* Vas y il l'a cassé!
Honestly, who throws a shoe?
Posts: 21048
Karma: 5,061
don't start this whole canada vs usa thing again you silly faggot
stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
(dfp represent)
keep it real.
Posts: 3477
Karma: 163
The only rich people who are truly lucky are the ones who win the lottery.
~~Phunkin Phatt Phreerider~~
**Proud member of the d-loc fanclub**
Posts: 9632
Karma: 580
kinda funny but pretty gay
i'd be better at skiing if i had better places to ski
-NS Skateboarding-
Posts: 863
Karma: 10
I think it sucks that we get stereotyped and hated on by all the other countries just because of the decisions a few dumbasses make
Posts: 8871
Karma: 1,509
ok that is not the slightest bit funny...if that is real then think about how the youth is going to feel about us after watching all that shit all their life...good job you fucking morons just laugh it off until a nuclear bomb hits LA then maybe we will take it seriously
No risk, No reward
i am a demublicandepentantomunist
Posts: 13809
Karma: 93
and nuke them back...
Patty "typos are an artform" W.
*NS Skateboarders* Vas y il l'a cassé!
Honestly, who throws a shoe?
Posts: 8871
Karma: 1,509
and then the world gets destroyewd after volleys and volleys of nukes
No risk, No reward
i am a demublicandepentantomunist
Posts: 3087
Karma: 11
yea we'll probably have the star wars program by then so.... nukes will be useless to use against us and if they attempt to launch nukes we'll blow it up and then nuke the shit outa them. US will win.
if your really hardcore you can just smoke out of your hands. make a loose fist but keep your fingers together and pack the entire empty space in the middle with herb. then open up your pinky finger enough so that the herb doesnt fall out but you can light it. then just breath in from the top hole and ull get mad respect -eastar5
Coolidge St. Mtn - Elevation.... 5 feet.
$ $ $ $ $ B O S T O N | B A C K C O U N T R Y $ $ $ $ $
Posts: 8871
Karma: 1,509
nukes are such a stupid tactic...i don't think anyone will use them for a long time because they see that one nuke will cause a chain reaction
No risk, No reward
i am a demublicandepentantomunist
Posts: 13809
Karma: 93
well, it takes a lot less nukes to destroy north korea than it does the US if it came to that. and the russians won't side with the koreans.
Patty "typos are an artform" W.
*NS Skateboarders* Vas y il l'a cassé!
Honestly, who throws a shoe?
Posts: 13809
Karma: 93
this is of course totaly in jest... i don't think anyone will fight a nuclear war...
Patty "typos are an artform" W.
*NS Skateboarders* Vas y il l'a cassé!
Honestly, who throws a shoe?
Posts: 741
Karma: 9
I wouldn't put too much stock in the effect it will have on people. It is after all Korea we are talking about. They are so propagandized that the average citizen believes that they are the only country with satelites and that they won every gold medal in the olympics.
I might be an adult, but I'm a minor at heart.
Posts: 1245
Karma: 23
Posts: 1069
Karma: 129
nice bush impersonation though
Equipment is expensive, and i need lots of new stuff, i love being a poor college student!!!!
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