Replying to Fuck Gas Prices Fuck Oil MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How big of yacht to those damn oil men need to get to be satisfied!! Those oil men will do anything to get extra money! Now they blame higher gas prices because of that fucking Hurricane thats a bunch of bull shit!! Those oil men are a bunch of gready ass holes. Fuck you oil men burn in hell you bastards. All they are doing is stealing the American peoples money all because they are gready little bitches. We must try to do something not just sit around and pick are asses. Lets do something about this shit not just keep paying higher and higher gas prices. But seriously what can we do really nothing except protest this shit. Also if you haven't heard you we real soon because out in Richfield Utah they have just found one of the biggest discoverys of oil ever. And the oil is so good its pure yellow when they are retreveing it. They believe it is going to big bigger than Iraq. Anyway who knows that could help are economy. But seriously those damn oil men are so gready and when are economy is going through a tough time they raise the gas prices even higher. We all need to try to do something not just keep on paying higher and higher gas prices.
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