This evening myself, along with Steve, Danny and Ryan decided that it was time to strap on the skis and hit some metal (Steves and my first time). We picked up some snow and skids from teh local arena to build a drop in and inrun. The speed was an issue with a drop in of an A frame- framed with 2 skids and 2 pieces of wood suporting it. With the help of the sling shot of motion we were on our way. The in run was good, and the jump was ok, so technically it could be done with the right pop. Ryan was there to film, but besides him the rest of us ate enough shit. My whole side of my lung is all scraped up from sliding it on teh rail my first attempt, and my left nut slide a good distance as well. Steven took a harsh bail, and Danny still cant find his boys. It was a 34 ft rail on a 9 set, get the picture of how mellow that would be. No one cleaned it, how ever the end was approached a few times. For all of you with pics of urban shit, props its not as easy as it looks, and for those of you yet to try, i cant really explain wat ur in for. So although no one greased it, it was a great night, since i havent been on skis for 5 months. Anyone got any good stories for there first urban session.
S-Status, mon.