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We need to start a charity to save the jackson hole tram, or this year will be its last
Posts: 399
Karma: 75
ya well, i wanna save the tram, u guys should help
Posts: 61837
Karma: 125,542
there is one on jackson holes website
what's up now bitch
"i see you have gotten the most recent pic of atlantaski and i must say he is looking pretty dark for a wigger"- Lats reply to a picture of a piece of shit in a toilet
ACLs suck
Posts: 399
Karma: 75
Posts: 5606
Karma: 195
That would really be a shame to see something like that happen. The tram at jackson just belongs there. Its like eating a pb&j sandwich with 2 pieces of bread and jelly in between. The most important part is missing. I have never been to jackson and even I know that.
They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When your high, you can do everything you can normaly, just as well. You just realize its not worth the fucking effort. There is a difference.-Bill Hicks
And on the 7th day, God stepped back and said "There is my creation, perfect in every way....Oh dammit I left weed all over the place, now they will think I want them to smoke it. Now I'll have to create republicans.-Bill Hicks
Posts: 1506
Karma: 58
they should donate it to losttrail so then we dont have to ride a chairlift for 20 minutes.
Posts: 734
Karma: 11
what the hell KLD you've never been there and you think your opinion deserves attention? sweet dude
Posts: 5606
Karma: 195
^Hey, heres an idea for you brett. Get a fucking job dude. Your company sucks nuts, you have a hat, a tee shirt and and sweatshirt. The designs are gay and your website is worthless. If you really expect people to buy your shit, stop trying to act like people care about you on an internet forum. No one gives a shit about what you think or say. I have heard that the jackson tram is sick and all that shit. I can comment on whatever the fuck I want. If you acctually think your opinion matters you are mistaken. No one likes you, you should really stop stalking girls that are 3 years younger than you.
They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When your high, you can do everything you can normaly, just as well. You just realize its not worth the fucking effort. There is a difference.-Bill Hicks
And on the 7th day, God stepped back and said "There is my creation, perfect in every way....Oh dammit I left weed all over the place, now they will think I want them to smoke it. Now I'll have to create republicans.-Bill Hicks
Posts: 5606
Karma: 195
^Yeah, that kid is a bitch. He talks alot of shit on the internet and thinks hes cool.
They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When your high, you can do everything you can normaly, just as well. You just realize its not worth the fucking effort. There is a difference.-Bill Hicks
And on the 7th day, God stepped back and said "There is my creation, perfect in every way....Oh dammit I left weed all over the place, now they will think I want them to smoke it. Now I'll have to create republicans.-Bill Hicks
Posts: 734
Karma: 11
uh yeah dude, I do have a job, for one and for another im sure i could whip your ass any day of the week, and as far as "stalking" girls three years younger than me? too bad i have a girlfriend pal. im not trying to be tough on the internet at all, anything i say on here i would totally say to your face, but what ever, man i dont even know who you are, i dont really have a prob with you i just think you put up gay posts "i have heard jacksons tram is sweet, i can have an opinion about what ever i want" come on dude, just dont talk about shit you dont really know about----
Posts: 2484
Karma: 6
hahhaha you tottally just got owned KLD jibhouse
stop the hate on bons, its not his fault hes not athletically inclined-ar51080
Posts: 9067
Karma: 330
i dont think a charity will save it, they already made their mind plus they rape enough money out of you when you buy a lift ticket they dont need anymore and if the tram is going out ticket prices should go down
Posts: 9067
Karma: 330
not that i want it to go but it should go down
Posts: 576
Karma: 11
I've heard a lot of different rumors about it, but I'm pretty sure that they're going to replace within a couple years. In my opinion, the owners are just saying there will be no more tram so that it attracts more people this winter. Theres no way that they would be spending millions of dollars on a new mountain restaraunt if they couldn't afford a new tram.
1918 is history mother fuckers 2004 CHAMPIONS!!!
Posts: 5606
Karma: 195
Haha, if your not trying to be tough on the internet then why you trying to tell me that you could "whoop my ass any day." You haven't seen me, and I haven't seen you, but you seem like a pretty big ass, and I have heard from more than one girl about you. Its cool though dude, maybe the people that don't how big of a cocky asshole you are will be your friend.
They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When your high, you can do everything you can normaly, just as well. You just realize its not worth the fucking effort. There is a difference.-Bill Hicks
And on the 7th day, God stepped back and said "There is my creation, perfect in every way....Oh dammit I left weed all over the place, now they will think I want them to smoke it. Now I'll have to create republicans.-Bill Hicks
Posts: 734
Karma: 11
cocky? thats interesting becaus other than saying i could whoop your ass i dont think i have said anything to put my self above you or anyone else on this site, and i am pretty sure i havent ever boasted about anything on here either, and your right i haven't seen you, so i will retract what i said about being able to whoop your ass.
While were at it, which girls exactly have you heard this from? just curious because i dont recall stalking any 15 year old girls
Posts: 5606
Karma: 195
^Yeah, uve said alot of shit, when someone mentioned big air you said something like "none of you pussys even know what big air is." That seems pretty fucking cocky. Ive heard your a pretty good skier, props for that dude, but I don't care how good you are, it doesn't give you the right to be an asshole.
They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When your high, you can do everything you can normaly, just as well. You just realize its not worth the fucking effort. There is a difference.-Bill Hicks
And on the 7th day, God stepped back and said "There is my creation, perfect in every way....Oh dammit I left weed all over the place, now they will think I want them to smoke it. Now I'll have to create republicans.-Bill Hicks
Posts: 1506
Karma: 58
with out these two fighting this forum would be dead. keep it up.
Posts: 734
Karma: 11
hey man, im not saying in any way that i am better than any one on here, but there is a LOT of posers and i think you will agree, so that was what i was getting at
Posts: 44
Karma: 10
Nice grammar. Yes, I must agree there *are* quite a few posers on this site. Funny thing is... you're one of them.
* * * * * * *
Mariju Media and WHUT films have joined forces to create...
MarijuWHUT!? Productions
Posts: 734
Karma: 11
i am a poser? thats a strange remark that i have never heard before, what do you base that off of?
Posts: 5062
Karma: 424
whys everyone ragin on Brett? He's badass, KLD shut up your talkin up just as much, and honestly KLD is and idiot, and Brett sound a little on the pissy side. I like video segments on Rendevous so they should leave the tram thur, plus I wanna ride it in the future.
your steeze is like the antithesis of the gangsta-tanner-gorillasteeze junk... the type of skiing that says "Fuck groomed parks and rails, rip big mountain lines and throw backflips off everything-J.D. May
Posts: 1344
Karma: 11
brett... a badass? Honey, you need to look up the definition of "badass" first.
Anyways... as far as the Jackson Tram goes, it is a business move. If JHMR says they are going to get rid of the tram, people will come flooding down there this winter.
A new restaurant is being built at the top of the Bridger Gondola, they are remodeling the Bridger Center, and are putting in a new lift. The mountain has enough money to replace the tram or create an alternate way to the top of Rendezvous Bowl. The tram is an icon for Jackson. They'll replace it, perhaps not next seson, but eventually.
i don't care as long as the bassline is pumpin / the drumline bangin away / make one move and i'll blow you away / one false move and i'll blow you away
Posts: 1506
Karma: 58
Posts: 399
Karma: 75
still jackson need the tram, it would be like if ne of us were unfortunate enough to lose are balls to a rabid dog
Posts: 24
Karma: 10
sometime next summer they are going to plan a replacement lift or new tram
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
I was talking to a guy that works up there at the TGR premier on thursday and he said it'd be a couple years before they got a replacement in. He said that the new lodge would be priority for JHMR since they have to cater to the old tourist folks. Keep up the fight though!
Posts: 230
Karma: 10
the jackson hole experience is like nothing else. it's a balls to the wall place. it rocks. it's my first choice when i decide to go on a trip. the best part of jh is the tram. without it, i dont think i would go back untill they get a replacement
Posts: 152
Karma: 21
In skiing magazine "The resort claims it's going to tear down the tram after this season. I think that'd be great-the touring going to be sick because nobody will be going up high." RIDICULOUS!
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