so i just got the new free skier and on the last pade there is an article about kye. This past weinter kye took a trip to chamonix and with his dads ashes in his pocket he skied the run that took his dads life. now as i look back on the things that some of us have said about kye like hes cocky, irogant, and imatrue. i feel ashamed the heart break that kye had to ver come doing this is imense. could you imagin facing ur dads killer. it semply shows me that kye has already matured past the point of many adults and that he can very easily put asie anything that we may not like about him.
Q:whats better than one red head
sam: man that shot of pete doing a switchup on th s was so awsome hey stve u got that right
sam: ohhh ohhh yeah steve missed the shot.
when the river runs red take the dirt road-turpin