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Back Sommersault -Scared from injury
Posts: 622
Karma: 11
Hi everyone
I knocked some bits of bone off my L4 vertebrae last year being stupid in a snow-park
this has knocked my confidence a bit.
OK I want to go out and do a back sommersault straight off but I'm worried (I can do them) and I've been a bit ropy lately on the trampoline with loads of travel back from the cross in the centre......I still land on my feet so do you think I need to practice going cross to cross on the tramp before i try it on snow again or does this travel not make much difference seeing as you are moving anyway? this is given that some of the tramp vids (most) just show people hucking it way off the cross....anyway, any suggestions and encouragment appreciated
Bawb, I can trace this wanting for abuse back to your childhood i see it all the time. See growing up you had two dads, whereas everyone else you knew had a dad and a mom. This put you in the 'outsider' catagory right off the bat. Some of your earliet memories were bad sounds coming from your parents bedroom. The crack of leather whips and chains echoed through the hall of your mobile home. One day when you braved the nerve to open the door to this room of horror. You opend the door and saw both of you your dads with their mustaches where they didn't belong. Since that moment in your life you have craved abuse, someone that could beat those memories out of your little head. - Dr Von ReefSideRider
Posts: 1461
Karma: 11
Make sure you are completely off the tramp before you throw your head back and flip because your feet maybe touching the surface while you start the flip and end up pushing you back a little. You will know when you are ready for them on snow. Also, try it on a powder jump first if you have access
Proud member of the Ghetto Park Builders Union local 637
'Is Butterbean okay?'
Posts: 50
Karma: 10
try doing all the non-inverted tricks first make sure u can stick them without any strain...then go for a backflip!
Good Luck!
Posts: 273
Karma: 10
dude go to a ciropracter or how ever you spell it just go to one it helps a lot!
John- God forgives,
Posts: 2665
Karma: 61
Va si Moo Moo.... U can do it!
'I'm still Ugly'
Posts: 40
Karma: 10
Posts: 531
Karma: 9
Posts: 467
Karma: 41
Or smoke some and you wont even worry about it
Seth:'That's a weird looking rail, I'll give you a buck if you can slide it!'
Me:'Thats not a rail, thats a guys leg!'
Seth:'*pause*Okay, two dollars!'
Posts: 9984
Karma: 19
if ur traveling back on tramp ur probly starting the rotation to early from being psyched out, just wait till ur in the air and ull get it back
Hey, after you take a crap and wipe your butt and then go to wash your hands, do you guys turn on the faucet with your wipe hand or the other one?
-Shane McConkey
*Proud Member of the HoBum Posse
Posts: 215
Karma: 10
just do a gainer off the high dive at pool, same principles, good luck
jesus had a mullet
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