no, its just that you don't deserve a response, you are so wrapped up in this dogma of yours and yet so confused about everything i say will not help you in anyway. but i will give you oen nonetheless.
for starters: elohim means the Gods. nice one. but do you remeber what God is? Father, Son and Holy Spirit. here it is used to show that all parts of God are present when it comes to creating the world.
strike one.
"How orderly were things created?
#1: Step-by-step. The only discrepancy is that there is no Sun or Moon or stars on the first three "days"."
well, lets thing about this. do you need to see a moon for there to be night? do you need to see the stars for the darkness to be there? answer: no. don't you think very well could have made light and have it shine on the earth, and it being round and spinning, make it so that there is darkness and light at the same time on the same planet that we know tday and that is happening right now as we speak, and that this alternation of light and darkness be called night and day, and that we we decided to, he could fix the light from a source and create a reflector for it at night? i hardly think this would have been a problem an omnipotent God.
strike 2.
"#2: God fixes things up as he goes. The first man is lonely, and is not satisfied with animals. God finally creates a woman for him. (funny thing that an omniscient god would forget things)" what a load of biased excrement of an ungulate. do you suppose, that God gave Adam a choice in his compnionship? that he could have picked any animal to be his helper around the garden, like a dog, or a cat like today? that he could have chosen a non human companion? yes, he could have, and God gave him this choice, knowing that well, Eve would eat the fruit, and then adam, and then bam! end of perfect relation with God? what you need to see is that God doesn't want puppets randomly adoring him without free will. he gave adam a choice to have a non human companion. he chose to have one. God accomodated that. he had a choice. God didn't forget anything.
strike 3.
wait, lets give more some tries.
oh wait. this load of BS is summed up by God giving a choice to his creation again:
"#2: God has to fix up his creation as he goes, and he would certainly not be very satisfied with the disobedience of that primordial couple. (funny thing that an omniscient god would forget things)"
yeah, funny thing that you are so superficial when after have gone to college. as for the order, let it be known that gensis is the only book in the bible writen as an alegory (i think thats the right word, like when you write a summation of something past, and not a narrative). so the "inconsistencies" are most likely a figure de style. the one thing i know is that when it says about the desolate earth and the creation of adam, the emphasis was bruoght on how little there was where he was at time. which is why God made a garden especially for adam.
and simon, that is it for you. you ahve done nothing to even deserve any kind of intelligent discussion froma nyone. you ahve not stayed on course, you take your little cheap shots and want to boost your ego. as far as i am conscerned, i needn't continue to argue with you. you aren't worth the effort.
good day
- Patty
*NS Skateboarders* Vas y il l'a cassé!
religion without science is lame, science without religion is blind - Albert Einstein