why do you talk as if im not here?
as for using DNA as an argument for creationism, consider:
the phosphate group, the pentose sugar and the nitogenous base need to be complimentarily paired to another nucleotide within the double helix formation to even function. for it to code for anything, these base pairs need to have been able to be complimentarily paired in the first place, how did a random process manage to create something like that? secondly, it needs to be able to replicate itself, therefore it needs an enzyme to break it up, and the polumerse to bond the bases to the strand and close it up. these need to be perefectly made to that end, and coded for originaly for it to be able to replicate; so how did a random process make it so that something that has yet to exist be able to make an enzyme from its bases along with the countless other mRNA and ribosomes you need to make the enzyme to make it able to replicate without it being able to know anything of what it is supposed to do since it has just now been brough into existence? i read that the chances of the elements to come together, assuming they were already there and ready for it and exactly the way they need to be, and to be in the double helix formation is like 1 to 10 to the power of 63... impossible odds if you add all other things, like them being there in the first place. all in all, the process of DNA and what it codes for (the diversity of this world) is simply astounding, and for me points to an Almighty Creator.
and so, with one little thing about DNA, you manage to disregard and face all the other examples i mentionned...
as for proof for the Bible: i believe in the biblical account for creation, as do many scientists (Micheal denton:evolution, a theory in crisis, 50 formerly evolutionnist scientists In six days, why 50 scientists decided to belive in Creation), and im encouraged that i have never heard of a christian scientist renouce his faith after a discovery in his field or an oberservation of nature on his part. i believe in the biblical account for a young earth (see lanks' post about dust on the moon, and that carbon dating gives off helium, whose rate is known, and that has not dissapeared in the amount it should have in rock with the billion year time scale).
i believe that when studied objectively and logicaly, the worlds diversity is only explained by a Creator, when you consider all the variables that mathematicaly give us odds for existing, they are small, very very very small. i believe that creation is the highest proof for God: "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." romans 1:20
i believ that the proof for the biblical account for history is archaeologic: seashells on the tops of mountains, evidence for mass burial of creatures (the fossil record) in sedimentary rock coinciding with a mass flood, archeaological evidence for the biblical account of pharrows in egypt, historians of rome accounting for the life of Jesus, his Miracles and his Resurrection ( a historian explained that the Roimans not finding the body was crucial: if the body was still there, or found to be stolen the Romans had all the excuse in the world to make that public. they never found anything, and not for lack of searching).
i believe that there is a longing in all of us for something else, for something higher than ourselves. for some this is science, others money. i believe that there is wanting in this world to find God.
i believe that there is a right, and a wrong. why, if all is nothing but a cosmic accident, do i think that although this IS what i am doing, it IS NOT AS IT SHOULD BE. this is against all logic or chance, seeing as total anarchy wouldn't be a moral dilemma if something hadn't impressed morals upon us, and this is our conscience. i believe that God has given us this conscience, so as to hold ourselves accountable for our actions. that is why no one can convince me that we are only animals. we know right from wrong, and feel amotions about our actions. this shoudl not be (there it is again) natural, if it were all instinct.
i believe the very fact that we are discussing our origins and God proves my point and His existence
here is why i am so vocal and "emotional" about all of this: it deals with Truth.
we cannot both be right, since we are contradictory to each other. therefore, someone is right, the other is wrong. i do not believe to be wrong, and i don't take lightly to someone making assumptions and wild commentary about what i beleieve to be true, and i believe i have the capabilitiy of giving my opinion so as to halp others make up their own minds on the matter. no one side shoudl be the only one brough forth, and opinions with faulty logic and raguments baking them distributed as absolutes are unfair to everyone involved.
i beleive that there is Truth, and that what i beleive and what the Bible says about God is the Truth. i defend this truth, for it is what i believe. if iget vocal about it, is because we cannot all be right, and i wish to state my case.
i am young and immature, so if i have acted in tactless fashion with my emotions as i type and have offended anyone, i am sorry. if i have insulted anyone, i am sorry.
i just beleieve i need to get this message and my point of view out, as it is to often and too easily ridiculed and too wrongly ridiculed.
and in the end, to anyone who hates me, we will all find out who was right in the end, right?
i have stated my case.
peace out.
- Patty
*NS Skateboarders* Vas y il l'a cassé!
wait wait, i have joke: you have mother, and she is very fat! ha ha ha!