Doghouse wrote:
"hey graves, if you're really worried about clinton's 'wining and dining' of arafat, you should check out the wining and dining that the US does to Israel, on the tune of a 3 billion dollar allowance per year, thats some serious wining and dining, maybe clinton was trying to make up for that? eh?
and delph1, the fact that 'the economy is on the rise' doesnt really account for the unbelievable tax cuts -in the name of reganomics- that he's given to his top contributors (the weatlthiest 1%). If we took the billions of dollars in tax cuts and invested them in the schooling of the american population"
First off at the time Arafat died the FBI had launched an investigation against him for murder charges. Arafat robbed his people, murdered the jews, and supposedly pulled the trigger on an American. Arafat's wife now lives in France and is paid 20 million a year from money he ripped off from the Palsetinian people. Great guy huh? Lets have him to the White House one more time, it will be fun! Over the last 3 decades our foreign aid has barely changed from President to President. The top ten nations that receive foreign aid from us are primarily ARAB nations with the exception of Israel. Inviting Arafat to the White House was a lousy idea.
Now doghouse you need to educate yourself on tax-cuts. The tax-cuts have actually cut into the federal deficit. Why? Because money creates wealth. You allow people to keep their OWN money and they are given more opportunity. If they have more opportunity they generally make more money. If they make more money they may go up a tax bracket or pay more back to the federal government on an annual basis. Smaller percentage of taxes = more money back into the govt. Just look at Russia and Lithuiana or go read Steve Forbes new book on the Flat Tax.
The tax-cut was not for the wealthy either. In fact the wealthiest 4% of the nation used to should 78% of the tax burden. They now shoulder almost 82% of the nation's tax burden. The wealthiest 1% used to shoulder roughly 50% of the tax burden and now they shoulder over 52% of the tax burden. In case you are a complete moron, which you may be, that means that 1% of our population pays 52% of our taxes. Bush's tax cuts also INCREASED the amount of low income people that pay NO taxes.
Here are some links to educate you:
In the above link please note that corporate tax revenue soard 40% meaning corporations paid 40% more money then they had in the past. Why? Becuase the tax cuts allowed them to make more money than they had in the past.
Now Doghouse read and educate yourself about how tax-cuts REALLY work.