i don't know if any of you have ever read the book called satans harvest but i suggest you do so..anyways, it's a true story of a guy who got posessed and he lived about 10 minutes away from my house. my friends and i decided to go and take a look at it but couldn't find it so we just kept driving up the road. it was a small woods road and on the side was bikes, hay bales, SKETCHIEST place ever, HOLY FUCK I SHIT YOU NOT AS I JUST TYPED THAT I LOOKED UP AT THE SCREEN AND IN THIS TEXT BOX WAS THE YEAR 2006! I DIDNT TOUCH THOSE KEYS, this is whack i will not sleep tonight. fuck..ok well after driving past those freaky things we saw a fence and all of the sudden lights were shinning in the headlights, with no place to turn around we had no choice but to keep driving, the eyes were those of sheep that were going crazy, running around, SO SKETCHY!!!!! after finally getting to turned around we decided we would be braver and walk up that road. as we were nearing the sheep we all came to a dead stop, on the opposite side of the fenced in sheep was something running at us, we all darted outta there and now i'm here, fuck i wish it was daylight out, i'm so scared.
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