Ok, I wasn't going to post in this thread at first, as I usually don't have anything to add on the topic of weed use/legalization. But that last post was RIDICULOUS.
'scientists got their facts fucked up.
Uh, ok, so you're saying that men and women who spent their entire lives devoted to researching and experimenting in that field. Have gone to school for most of their lives on this subject, and have done actual scientific research on the subject are wrong, and you are right? Just because you read some peice in High Times or some other biased magazine? Your logic is highly flawed.
weed is a bronchial dialator, so it opens up your lungs. ciagerrettes are exactly the opposite. maybe weed can cause cancer, but its no worse than cigarretts'
Ok, you just completely blasted your point out of the water there. By saying that weed opens up the lungs doesn't mean that it heals them. It makes them more susceptable to the waste you are inhaling in with the THC in the weed. (Where do you think the rest of the weed goes, into space?)
I'm not saying its worse than ciggerates, I'm not saying its better either. But I think that blasting scientists and backing it up with a flawed statement is ridiculous. God, why can't people get their facts straight and post things intelligently. We've had threads that worked out well in the past.
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