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What single trick do you think looks the steeziest
Posts: 279
Karma: 367
Posts: 6422
Karma: 235
w.h.a.t s.i.n.g.l.e t.r.i.c.k d.o y.o.u t.h.i.n.k l.o.o.k.s t.h.e s.t.e.e.z.i.e.s.t
Posts: 367
Karma: 40
well henrik i am personally a hugeeeee fan of your mute grab....it is basically the most epic thing ever....how about you? in your wonderfully educated mind..what single trick do youuuuuuu think looks the steeeziest?
Poniverus and 4frnt
Steezn it
Posts: 6422
Karma: 235
well, seeing as i am so educated and smart like um.... um.... whats hissss nammmmeeee.. einstien!! i should know... my mute grabs are definitly a hott trick on the market right now, but id say lizzie mcguire singing on TV right now is my favorite trick... what do u think about lizzziie!!??! hehehe, brb, lol, haha jk, n2m jc, u? ok lol
Posts: 367
Karma: 40
bk....hey henrik i like totalllly like agree with you like lizzie is soooo the hot shit right now....i mean like her hair style and designer clothing.....definitelly the steeziest lookin trick out there right now...its gonna be winning all the major cmops for sure....like totally and completely im serious about this henrik!
Poniverus and 4frnt
Steezn it
Posts: 6422
Karma: 235
yes yes... defnitly... i think that jessica alba is soo hott right now.. its funny how like, shes dating um, the incredible 4 guy.... after the movie, and shes gonna be married to someone else, but shes dating someone else, so like, it doesnt make sense, and its ufnny how she can do that.. but shes alreaqdy marries, and GOING to be married, to me.. but like, u know how it is man with all those actresses and all that.... its a tough life, and when the get married its leike, all the papparazzi and stuff, and like, so its just funny how shes married, is GONNA be married, and is dating.
Posts: 367
Karma: 40
OMG you are soooooo lucky henrik omg omg omg.....like you are even that much cooler adn steezier cause she's married, dating someone else and getting MARRIED to YOU OMG OMG OMG. brb gotta watch laguna beach....back henrik omg laguna beach was soo good...like they totally got back together and then there was the drama and omg omg omg listen to this....stephen got a call from kristen and she's with ANOTHER GUY!!!!!!! GAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! and then they were talking on the beach and it was soooo awkward and he was an asshole and now at the party she called him and he was at the hot tub and now the went to DIORE!!!!!! katie just told me to say that they went to DIORE!!!! EPIC laguna beach drama crew with the script is by far the steeziest lookin trick ever!!!!!!!!!
Poniverus and 4frnt
Steezn it
Posts: 6422
Karma: 235
Posts: 1044
Karma: 31
oh...... my......... god...........
Posts: 2201
Karma: 11
wow, just, wow
no me gusta acls
"can anyone do a backflip, im new to two tip skis"-bikeobsession
also known as pussyfooter
Posts: 1382
Karma: 638
like omg, henrik and willis are sooo totally killin'it right now
Me Gusta...
Posts: 6574
Karma: 81
safety zeros, or huuges stalled out 1's with safeteys
down a season...
Posts: 3713
Karma: 218
tanner rainville
Posts: 7038
Karma: 639
bio 5 wrong mute
Please, stop making skiing into a soap opera. This isn't the OC.
-J.D. May
it's actualy not legal to shoot someone for coming on your property. Not all people from america are jackass rednecks. Just our president
SteezePatrol on a fellow NS Member's problem with his date not wanting spaghetti for dinner: "fuck that shit, if she wants to eat, she's getting spaghetti"
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