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Twin towers controlled demolitions?
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now im somewhat confused...theory, conspiracy, or just plain bull shit?
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Not bullshit. The planes could very likely have been a cover for the real cause of the collapse.
There are so many details that got covered up that it makes me wonder what really happened that day.
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haha the guy has a lisp and there porn all over that site
the vid was interesting tho...
what's up now bitch
"the fatter you are the smaller you go"-unknown
ACLs suck
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yes very interesting... i mean the porn
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I don't think it was a lisp.. I think it was a either from the encoding of the video or he tried to mask his voice so he would be harder to identify.
The video did raise a many good points. It's unfortunate that all this information has been available since day 1, but has never gotten mainstream medai attention. This is stuff every American should know, but most don't want to hear.
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yeah its a crazy assumtion
what's up now bitch
"the fatter you are the smaller you go"-unknown
ACLs suck
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What is?
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the fact that it could be a conspiracy
Posts: 7121
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so let me get this straight, 100's of Americans, got together destroyed the towers, and killed 3,000 people, and not ONE has had a attack of consciousness and has not cracked. Nor has anyone leaked information, nor has there been any money trails or reports of HUNDREDS OF FUCKING pounds of explosives being brought into th building?
"When evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will evolve."
" i saw samuel l. jackson sessioning some urban rails with emilio estevez a few years ago" i_am_a_skier
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that this was all planned
what's up now bitch
"the fatter you are the smaller you go"-unknown
ACLs suck
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haha... thank you, hobo, for bringing some sanity to this thread. It drives me nuts when people will climb onto the first conspiracy theory they hear without giving it a fraction of the scrutiny they give the "coverup" story. Im not saying that Im on either side here, Im just saying that this idea has way, way, way more loopholes and questions than the "coverup" story does.
Posts: 2943
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they both the "conspiracy" theorys and the "cover up" have huge loopholes, its just something to think about. Do you fucks really think that the towers collapsing doesnt look like a demolition. Ever seen a video of a casino in vegas being demolished. looks exactly the fucking same.
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Karma: 15
the buildings are like accordians, when they begin to smash, it can force air to lower floors and blow out windows.
"When evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will evolve."
" i saw samuel l. jackson sessioning some urban rails with emilio estevez a few years ago" i_am_a_skier
Posts: 1398
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Fuck thats crazy amazing points brought to the tble and needs main stream coverage for sure but its almost kinda to late type deal like the fuz is off 911 and it wouldnt make big news .. if true some peopel are gunna burn in hell and should have a horrible time sleeping
Wake The Dead!
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and why would Al Queda fess up to it in the days after?
"When evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will evolve."
" i saw samuel l. jackson sessioning some urban rails with emilio estevez a few years ago" i_am_a_skier
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they "fess up" for everything terror related, ever notice that?
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Karma: 886
I dunno.. I find there are more holes in the story of the building collapsing from an airplane impact then in the 'conspiracy theory'.
As many intelligent people have said, those bulidings couldn't have collapsed from a plane hitting it. All tall bulidings must be desgined to withsand an impact from large airliners. Now I realize that doesn't guarantee anything, but why wouldn't the buildings fall sideways if they really were so structurally unsound?
The real interesting parts of the story are all of the testimonies of witnesses who claimed to hear explosives going off for over an hour.
I'm skeptical of both the official explanation and this theory and would like to believe it really was just an attack with an airplane. But people are providing mounds of evidence to the contrary and there has been no rebuttal from the government or any other official body.
Conversations like this don't seem to ever go anywhere since a few people are willing to actually evaluate all facts available, while most just like to diss the skeptics cauz they sound unpatriotic.
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well put, maybe some people will start thinking for themselves
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completely agree.
*NS Skateboarders*
- getting one inch of snow is like winning ten cents in the lottery-*CCR*
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cause they do everything terror related, maybe not just Al Queda, but if perhaps you try to say that, "Al Queda fessed even though they didn't do it, just to incite fear" they how come Hamas or other groups didn't as well.
"When evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will evolve."
" i saw samuel l. jackson sessioning some urban rails with emilio estevez a few years ago" i_am_a_skier
Posts: 2943
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i'm not even going to try to argue with you because obviously you are correct. enjoy your thin view of the world i hope it treats you well.
Posts: 2216
Karma: 886
It's unfortunate that conversations like these often end like this...
I'm too lazy to come up with a new signature so now it's this.
Posts: 2721
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Yeah here we go again, london bombing threads all over again. Based on much research and not naving watched this video yet, there is a huge conspiracy about 9-11. Plain and simple
sick guy, yo guy yesterday guy, some g tried to jack me guy, cause yo i was selling him some budz, guy, and yo guy... i busted out ma nine and shit guy he was packing heat to guy, mad gun fight guy-
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no, come on Benditto, Im not ruling out that our government didn't do this, Im just saying that first of all, this action HAD to be the consious actions OF MANY indiviuals, and because humans are endowed with feeling, I find it hard that so many people could be complete monsters and carry out this action against their own citizens.
"When evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will evolve."
" i saw samuel l. jackson sessioning some urban rails with emilio estevez a few years ago" i_am_a_skier
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i dont think you respect how much fear the government can influence on people. #1 example is the effect of 9/11 on the american people.
Posts: 162
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at the end it says someting about the military haveing something to do wiht it, i think thats incorrect, i personally think that it was a well planed out terriorest attack
Posts: 2212
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woah that was long and confusing
Posts: 1564
Karma: 261
^^ i belive it said military pressision
that means they did it extremely well and thought out
not that the military acutally had somethign to do with it
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executed with military precision, nothing was said about it involving the military.
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Karma: 19
it would actually take more planning and money than it would take manpower, I bet 15 people or less would be able to pull the operation off, while only a handfull of government officials would be required to endorse the actions. 30 people in the loophole, tops. Then the government assassinates the perpetraitors to cover themselves, 15 people in the loop. Far from 100.
Like a virgin on prom night.
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i think there is a serious problem with security at the airports and such, it would be very easy to get a weapon on the plane and all. but i did notice that on the planes whenever someone goes in the cockpit, they bring a rolling tray up to block the path into the cockpit. although the person standing behind the tray would be pretty easy to knock over and get by, he was old.
and another thing about flying...they make us sign a "waiver" for our skis, so they can do whatever the fuck they want to them as long as we get them back. my poles are ALWAYS bent and my bindings are ALWAYS in the locked possition.
Posts: 662
Karma: 10
dude it sounds pretty good to me, but it may not have been terrorists
i think it might have been the firefighters who needed to bring the building down straight instead of causing huge damage to surrounding area and they accidently killed 3000 people so they coiver it up
///////////////////////////////////////i am Sum Ting Wong praise me- Sum Ting Wong july 5th 2004 CANADA KICKS ASSS
Posts: 61841
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fuck the government
what's up now bitch
"the fatter you are the smaller you go"-unknown
ACLs suck
Posts: 1473
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well one good thing from 9/11 was that american flag sales really went up
oh and those stickers that are like "god bless america" hahah
this video brings up SO many worthwhile points, but slim to no chance of ever getting further than the internet
'Has you ever had an abortion? Surely you should try something before you say it is bad. Because I was very anti-Burger King, but then I went there and I had the flame grilled, ain't it, and you know it was like amazing.'-Ali G
Posts: 1314
Karma: 125
there are big water tanks on top of buildings gives the pressure needed also help in sway reduction, Those buildings were weak, badly built not enough central support,
once the top floors go, the rest goes like the other guy said. an acordeon. Its the pressure inside blowing out the lower floors.
Some of the terrorists came through canada, and
there was talk of somthing big going to happen
that summer. No one listened to the many tips
available thats all. no cover up shit, was an attack & thats it
Stress will get you nowhere,
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the engineer that designed the twin towers stated that they were built to withstand 2 commercial airline plane hits EACH.
Like a virgin on prom night.
Posts: 4636
Karma: 31
completely legitimate and accurate, There is actual proof in that documentary... it isn't one of those radically irrational depictions of a conspiracy- this is a new level REAL PROOF that there were secondary devices used, it's on tape and the camera never lies
fuck the united states gov and its puppet affiliates
Posts: 1314
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each building had the weak points 2 on each were there were no windows also there was a bomb in the second plane apparently
Stress will get you nowhere,
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Cuz you know, no one had ever managed to sneak in hundreds of pounds of explosives into the World Trade Towers before dumbasses flew planes into them...
Oh, shit, wait, it's been done. It didn't blow them up, but they did manage to get a UHAUL TRUCK FULL OF EXPLOSIVES INTO THE FUCKING UNDERGROUND PARKING LOT WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT.
So, the answer is yes, it would have been possible to get hundreds of pounds of explosives into the buildings undetected.
The internet is for slandering others anonymously.
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^yes, but these explosives were carried in over a certain period of time, and they were strategically places in the building, so its a little harder than just driving into the parking garage.
"When evolution is outlawed, only outlaws will evolve."
" i saw samuel l. jackson sessioning some urban rails with emilio estevez a few years ago" i_am_a_skier
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^although explosives have been brought in before, they did not even come close to the amount that would be need to bring down the twin towers. the explosives would also be needed to be rigged in specific areas. you cant just put them where ever you want.
someone said that the twin towers were built to withstand 2 airline attacks each. where did you get this info because i heard they were built to withstand an attack from a smaller airplane, not a huge 747 with a full tank of gas.
Didnt the towers withstand the hit from the airplanes anyway? It was the fuel that actually burned the steal beams and allowed the top to come crashing down.
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Karma: 19
how big is this weak spot on the building(s)? if it is less than 10 stories, it would be extremely difficult for a pilot to target it, let alone for it to happen twice. These pilots also had minimal commercial aircraft experience.
Like a virgin on prom night.
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Karma: 125
it was the portion on each building that had no windows, that part was full of ventelation ducts & elevator equipment. one of the planes managed to hit just above the higher portion.
agreed they were suposed to withstand a smaller plane but not a 767 or 757
Stress will get you nowhere,
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they were made to stand two 767s EACH
Like a virgin on prom night.
Posts: 2829
Karma: 12
this is stupid that people are saying it had to be somethin besides the plane crash that caused the expolsion. Yah some of the explosions may look similar to demolition, but how many incidents of planes flying into skyscrapers do we have to compare this too. If you fly a giant fucking boeing into a building weird shit is gonna happen, shit is gonna blow up, and thats that
'The deep south? Isn't that the place where the black people are lazy and the white people are just as lazy, but they are mad at the black people for being lazy?'
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well they with stood them for a while anyways
Stress will get you nowhere,
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ok then what happened to the 2 planes that everyone clearly saw hit the towers... i guess they were just stirofome and the explosions were timed perfectly
ast coast 617
hahahaha, fuck you bitch. your the epitamy of a fucking faggot trying to act hard when your soft like your moms cumbersome pussy. ill fuck her to the left and fuck her to the right, then write you a letter about how it was so tight, you fucking bitch faggot. - Apesteadlives
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Posts: 1314
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they don't erect buildings like that anymore,
concrete slab construction, like pancakes,
Stress will get you nowhere,
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