or just about all the shit you are saying is spun by democrats. and also the oil tycoons organised septtember 11 yeah nice one buddie considering most of the worlds oil is controlled by middle eastern buisnesses adn thier affiliates. And im 100% sur that president bush wanted to kill 5000+ of his own citizens to help out oil tycoons who have nothing to do alqeudea(sic) and the taliban. Also afgansitan has barely any resources available so did they go there for oil?.....no. And as fo iraq saddam was a hostile enemy who was making vague threats of attacks adn possesion of nuclear weapons. And now i put it to you if a man made vauge threats to murder a family member would you jsut say well yeah he hasnt done it yet ill do nothing about it.......no you fucking douche you would call the cops and get his sick and twisted ass aressted for haveing the mensrea to murder. so in invading iraq the bush government avoided an attack by iraq on nehbouring countries. Its not as if saddam had a fuckin clean slate i mean invading kuwait adn a mas chemical weapons genecide of his own fuckin people im surprised that bush senior didint take out iraq when he had the chance basically dude you are very biased and watch to much propagada(michael moore and the likes) and basically stop following popular culture adn get you fuckin fact stright before you try adn back up your dismall effort at an argument.
my two fucking cents on politics adn the last time you will ever hear it.
Im not outta line your outta line the whole frikin system is outta line and when you reach over and put your hand into a pile of goo and find out its your best friends face, well guess what marge its chinatown.