Replying to Cops are so gay
I was at some street races no intention to race. I have a 96 Chrysler LHS and my friend has an old undercover cop car with one of those spot lights. Cops start come w/ their lights on so every ran to their cars. Mine was about the furthest away. I get to my car and my brother tells me to turn around so i dont have to go by the cops because we thought there was no way they already made it this far. So i think i see my friend with the old cop car flashing me in with his spot light driving slow. Turns out it was a cop. He pulled me over and i didnt have my lisence. He asked me for my information like my name and address and stuff and then went back to his car for like 15 minutes. He came back and told me to get out of my car and show him proof of insurence so i did. He says "I should arrest you right now for being out past cerfew." (Im only 17) He was being a total dick. He's like i didnt like that u turn so im going to have to give you a ticket for it. So he gives me the ticket and i can hardly even read what it says. I got an offense for not having my lisence on me (I heard that you have like 24 hours to prove you have it, I live in ohio if anyone knows this law please say something about it) and for "Driving in n/a oked lanes" or something like that i can hardly read it. So now i have to go to court but luckly my friends dad will represent me for free. Im so pissed right now
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