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Winter Parks Rail Yard Next Year
Posts: 1040
Karma: 2,634
Next year winter park is planning to close off the lower rail yard to the general public like what whistler has done. Guests can pay an extra 8-10 dollars and ride the park after watching a safety video..the park crew will also have the right to kick out all the goobers and not allow them back in until they have proved themselves...this will allow for larger jumps 65-76 and all the replica rails (Including new ones) will be set up more urban
Posts: 6042
Karma: 2,200
i wish my mountain would do that
Your mom goes to college
Posts: 2609
Karma: 11
FUCK YEAH, thats gonna be so dope. WP had some tight shit up and if this comes through its gonna be even tighter.
Posts: 11075
Karma: 82,508
very smart, my hill does something similar and you'll immediately see a difference
'....a ninja skier probly came by and whacked him with his pole.... thats my guess' -nordas-
Posts: 8
Karma: 10
Stoked to hear everybody is stoked.
Deal is - 20 bucks, watch the safety video, sign a liability. it is an annual fee. plus you get discounts and stuff too. next year, returning passholders will not have to watch the video.
jumps, not as big as 75ft but, still bigger than we had before.
goal is to have a sick area for all the core crew.
Posts: 1040
Karma: 2,634
Dope...Thanks Bob! Can't Wait!
Posts: 3360
Karma: 111
fucking sick wp is so underrated regardless id place it in the top 5 in colorado resorts but i would have to say ^ you should consider a 75er at the base a jump that size alone brings in crowds look at breck and aspen PLEASSSSSE
hatters wanna hate lovers wanna love i dont even want none of the above iwanna piss on u -Rkelly my boy
me- ill drop kick ur mom in the fallopian tubes
him- headbutt
Posts: 1596
Karma: 22
it's about time. josh has been proposing this idea for a while now. good move. looks like there will be a lot of good options for next year including squaw pass.
"That's what Punk is to me. The near final understanding that the world is ours, and that we only have to realize it to make it so."
-Ben Bormann
Posts: 3360
Karma: 111
i concure places have way to many texans out hear that think they can hit 60 foot jumps or ski on landings this idea willmake it so that wp is similar to whistler and only people who can survive 50 foot jumps will be in the park wp has my full support
hatters wanna hate lovers wanna love i dont even want none of the above iwanna piss on u -Rkelly my boy
me- ill drop kick ur mom in the fallopian tubes
him- headbutt
Posts: 3861
Karma: 490
ya, i wish the places i ski at did that
Posts: 8203
Karma: 406
winter park is defineately underated. It's a great place. good move by them.
i cant take him[liam downey] seriously cuz his name reminds me of that downy bear from back when i was a kid -d loc
I don't deny there are bad things in the US right now, hell, 51% of the country to be exact. But god damnit, our country being fat is NOT a problem. I do't give a shit how fat people are. hell, fat kids are harder to kidnap, that means our country is safer.
Posts: 5809
Karma: 263
yes! i ride there all the time! and gapers are crazy there! finally its being done thanks for the news duncan!
I wish i was a gangster
Posts: 2655
Karma: 99
YES! this was one time when I think bold was really justified. This is awesome. I am done.
Posts: 1628
Karma: 23
i wish loon would do that
"100 % columbian, ladies and gentlemen, disco shit"
johnnys in the basement mixing up the medicine, im on the pavement thinkin bout the goverment
johnny likes skinny girls but never turns down a fatty
zig zag filled with the diggity dank green as a bull frog sticky as glue aint gonna stop till the bag is through
belong to a political party called the burnt thumbs
Posts: 430
Karma: 10
yeah my hill does the same thing, but all that happenes are the little kids wanna ride the park so the parents buy themselves and them passes and its still the same..........more urban rails?damn dude i dotn see whats so good about them, when u ahve alip onto a rail thats when sick spins on them are thrown
Wawa Steeze team
Posts: 3360
Karma: 111
yeah but if they kick pep out untill they prove them selves then itll work
hatters wanna hate lovers wanna love i dont even want none of the above iwanna piss on u -Rkelly my boy
me- ill drop kick ur mom in the fallopian tubes
him- headbutt
Posts: 10166
Karma: 55
that sounds pretty decent to me, and watching a littel movie is deff worth it to go hit the features in the park especially if your good and thier big
-keegan mcginnis, newschoolers.com
Posts: 12072
Karma: 60
i went to WP two years ago. it was my first time out west from WI. sooo gay the park was. it was january. i couldnt believe how gay it was. everybody there sucked, too.
Posts: 12072
Karma: 60
the most impressive thing i saw was a switch 180 from a guy with old concepts. he also bonked a rail. oh. then some fag did a 720. he was gay.
Posts: 2655
Karma: 99
They all just started sucking and made the park shitty when you got there cuz they didn't want you to come back.
Posts: 3360
Karma: 111
well times have changed thanks to bob^
hatters wanna hate lovers wanna love i dont even want none of the above iwanna piss on u -Rkelly my boy
me- ill drop kick ur mom in the fallopian tubes
him- headbutt
Posts: 3360
Karma: 111
directed twords moomy^ and there are def sick kids snowboarders and skiers saw some sweet manuvers this year
hatters wanna hate lovers wanna love i dont even want none of the above iwanna piss on u -Rkelly my boy
me- ill drop kick ur mom in the fallopian tubes
him- headbutt
Posts: 2609
Karma: 11
This really is awesome news, i'm assuming CUST is gonna be riding WP again this year too, that was always fun. Either way can't wait.
Posts: 5670
Karma: 18
i was talking to some park crew guy and heard that as a rumor. i hope they will let in camera people even if I...they suck tho...
~~~~~~~~~~~~I HAVE PSW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Have an uncontrolable urge to jumsp/spin off things because you cant ski?? join the cult. msg me!
Also turns out im a leader of the family guy cult. msg me!
Posts: 1911
Karma: 38
sooo sick, i cant wait to ski there this year
Posts: 5422
Karma: 103
Winter park is ok I wouldent place it in the top 5 but that is an opinion. This whole deal just sounds like a way for the mountian to charge 20 extra bucks on a 300$ pass. Shady. Also breck had massive jumps and no problem with gappers on these jumps. Not to excited about this.
Posts: 291
Karma: 10
wp has really good flow, but if they really want to be known as a good park, they need to cut a pipe that isn't horribly undervert, and add some lip to their jumps, it feels like you're on a skiiercross corse when you hit the big line
SMARTGUY: you dont even know how to "do" a girl
NOTSOSMARTGUY: dont you put you hand in their mouth?
NOTSOSMARTGUY: and its like magic from there
NOTSOSMARTGUY: thats what ive been told
Posts: 5670
Karma: 18
^that is true.
~~~~~~~~~~~~I HAVE PSW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Have an uncontrolable urge to jumsp/spin off things because you cant ski?? join the cult. msg me!
Also turns out im a leader of the family guy cult. msg me!
Posts: 1040
Karma: 2,634
The jumps were mellow but that is because the longer the takeoff the smoother...i personnally think the jumps are real dope cuz super poppy jumps are only meant to be in between a moguls course
Posts: 420
Karma: 10
Posts: 1787
Karma: 61
whoo hoo i think it will be a change for the better
Posts: 8670
Karma: 2,190
mabe ill get lucky and win a trip out there, that would be sick
Republican and proud of it.
Member 6834
i want to ride in a kangaroos pouch -i_am_a_skier
Posts: 9201
Karma: 135
YES!! a non gaper zoneE!!!!
to jibij
Posts: 541
Karma: 21
Posts: 8
Karma: 10
Under 10 Years, NOT allowed.
At the end of the day, if somebody is unsafe or being lame. their pass is pulled. 2 warnings and then pppppfffffffrrrrrrT. pass gone.
Goal is for a cool area. not junk-show.
Posts: 7701
Karma: 535
FREE VIDEO.....sign me UP!
Thats why i bought a saturn.
I guess u can call me Julian
Posts: 5670
Karma: 18
hey, do you hafta be very good?? cause i cant hit the jumps really but my friends will and i film.
~~~~~~~~~~~~I HAVE PSW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Have an uncontrolable urge to jumsp/spin off things because you cant ski?? join the cult. msg me!
Also turns out im a leader of the family guy cult. msg me!
Posts: 1040
Karma: 2,634
This is going to be soo dope! ^ Talk to Bob...maybe you can get a special filming pass or something
Posts: 253
Karma: 28
In Europe people dont sue over stupid things like in the US, so we can set up the park just as we like it. We dont even have to sign a liability thing at my mountain, cause nobody would sue the ski area if they fall.
Posts: 253
Karma: 28
The "closing off the park to the public" idea is pretty good, though. I hate tourists and small kids in the park.
Posts: 2495
Karma: 101
that is neat. this past season i hit one of the jumps and then almost landed on someone in a neon green one piece just standing there in the middle of the landing. it was not fun.
~ J u L i E ~
Yankees '05
It took me seventeen years to get three thousand hits in baseball. I did it in one afternoon on the golf course.
~Hank Aaron
Posts: 2609
Karma: 11
I thought the park had ridiculous flow last year, and if the jumps were just bigger it would be awesome
Posts: 925
Karma: 13
ya winter park is defintely sweet and the idea sounds pretty sick too
Posts: 5809
Karma: 263
if you comeback everyone will school ur ass mother fucker
I wish i was a gangster
Posts: 5809
Karma: 263
yup well this is in the US!
I wish i was a gangster
Posts: 3360
Karma: 111
i killed a man once at breck because he was on the landing and i stabbed him with a trident as for what CHRISM said i agree jumps need some more pop they were flat this year except for like a 2 week period where they had like twice as much pop as the reast of the year oh and if ur under 18 the pass at wp/copper is only 189 so sick
ALSO BOB if ur reading this one more of my suggestions is more rail varriations it was sick this year dont get me wrong just like 2many flat rails
hatters wanna hate lovers wanna love i dont even want none of the above iwanna piss on u -Rkelly my boy
me- ill drop kick ur mom in the fallopian tubes
him- headbutt
Posts: 3360
Karma: 111
on last thing WINTER PARK ROCKS in my opinion a top ski area and in terms of parks in colorado id say
3.) VAIL
hatters wanna hate lovers wanna love i dont even want none of the above iwanna piss on u -Rkelly my boy
me- ill drop kick ur mom in the fallopian tubes
him- headbutt
Posts: 4008
Karma: 143
stratton does it and its not a problem for us locals
Posts: 2655
Karma: 99
Posts: 3360
Karma: 111
no copper would rate like 25th they had the worst park ever reminded me of buttermilks
hatters wanna hate lovers wanna love i dont even want none of the above iwanna piss on u -Rkelly my boy
me- ill drop kick ur mom in the fallopian tubes
him- headbutt
Posts: 8258
Karma: 214
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