im leavin, i bet majority are very excited, but i left a mark and thas all i wanted to do.
When i first came to this site, it was the coolest thing ever. It was a place to go and chat with some skiiers, we were all in it for da skiing, we didnt care what the new style was or who was better at skiing, we were just bras lookin to shred somewhere, well like eveything does over time the site slowly changed, more features were added new people joind and the popularity increased. Along with this change came new people who didnt have the same vibe as the original crew did. At first we just let the shit go just cause there was bound to be some gay ass out of the bunch, but after more and more gay asses showed up it started to get out of control.
We delt with it just cause what we had was gold. as the people on the site got gayer and gayer the greats started to leave, they were done with all the shit talking and the dissing on peoples style and all the group bullshit that occured. I honestly think that newschoolers is exaclty what my middle school years were like. A select few kids who thought they were badass because of some unknown reason would just sit and harp on peoples style. I really cant understand that a site like this can turn into something that harbors people so gay.
Im saying all of this because i want you to know, even if u are the gayest of the gays, everyone on this site has some interest in skiing. Hell even if you ski one day out of the entire ski season u still ski, and u more than likely enjoy skiing. I think people often forget how strong of a bond skiing can bring, its like we are all brothers pursueing the same goal, we want to have fun while skiing. When it all comes down to it skiing is what we have in common, we need to be open to all who embrace skiing as a sport or as a lifestyle, not harp on someones style. Skiing is a very unique sport, so why diss on someone who has a different style, that is what makes skiing the way it is. Everyone now days is trying to much to be like the pros, sure they are good as hell and great role models, but a role model is someone u look to for guidance, u dont try and be exactly like them. If u have ever met sage cattabrigga u will know that this guy is probably the most down to earth homie this side of the mississippi, everyday he skis is like christmas to him. Think about what we have and how we can go ski, think about the people who have never seen snow or who can barely get enough food to survive. we have it pretty goddamn easy, no matter what ur case, everyone on this site must have access to a computer, some people dont even know what a computer is, let alone the internet.
Digest this speach how u will but all im sayin is this site really kicked ass a time, ya sure its still cool to check everyones pics and all but when peoples opinions on whats right and whats wrong gets involved, it becomes lame, how do we know whats right, society tells us what is socially acceptable, is it right to live with out health care in the US, no, fuck society, decide what is right and what is wrong for your self and dont follow the crowd. I bet there will be many posts like shut the fuck up dude, go bitch to someone who cares, well for all u fucks who say that, u will bring about the demise of the skiing attitude. Just chill the fuck out, all of you and remember there is more to life than how sponsor is spelled.
Well im done for now, i might check this site in like year if i can still get on, just to c how much gayer its gotten or if my speach had ne impact what so ever. To everyone who is chill on here, big ups, but to all u gay ass bitches, hope u make it no where in life. And to all my dawgs that i dont know personally, (if i had any dawgs on this site) peace out and keep my dream alive...........................................................................
im out bitches...................