So friday after school me and some friends went biking and there was about a 20x12 gap so after a bit i hit it twice and land them good. Then i go to my friends house for dinner and after we go back to the gap. By then theres a shitload of kids there so i decide to take it again, only it was pretty windy. So i go and i land crooked, my back wheel gets bucked up in the air and i go over my bars and do a cheese grater to my whole right side. The landing was loose dirt and rocks so i end up with intense roadrash with dirt imbedded in my back and i rip a nice 3 inch gash in my elbow to the bone. I get a nice ride in the ambulance and surgery later that night. Now i have a shitload of stitches and if i move my arm at all it burns like a mother so im hyper up on T3 and i cant move or do anything.......what a fun weekend.