for all you people saying that there is no proof of jesus christ, or god, or a higher being in general, thats why they call it faith, becuase people can take theyre whole life and transform it and make it so much better just by having faith in God. If youve led a good life according to the bible, you will go to heaven, if you love Jesus with all of your heart and soul and love your neighbor as yourself. Thats a lot to ask but if you think about it, (from a believers perspective) this life that we live right now, is sort of like a test, were living right now to make ourseleves stronger by beleivng in god, resisting temptaion just like Jesus did in the bible for 40 days when he went out int he forest and resisted temptation from satan, after he succeedd he was granted eternal life, think about it, eternal life, living forever in a perfecct world, and all you ahve to do is admit that there is a Christ and believe in him. Thats the whole point of faith, blind faith, putting your trust and hope into something that isnt tangible, its not weed, its not money, its not your girflriend, its putting your entire life into one thing, which is your faith in Christ.
Sin, is the seperation from us and God, when you sin(note the small s) that is when you do a wrong, it comes from archery, a sin is when you miss the target, so even if you miss by 1 mm, or 1 mile, its still sin, the same sin, however it might effect more or less people, or w.e. But when you have Sin, you cannot be in a relationship with God, so when Christ died for us, he was on the cross, when he was on the cross, he had the wieght of all the sins there ever was, and ever will be on his shoulders, he therfore could not be in a relationship with god, and before he dies, he says, "My God, my god why have you forsaken me" why have you abandoned me? He spent the last 6 hours, naile onto a wooden cross being humiliated, completley alone for the first time in his life, all for you and me, it sickens me to think that people can ignore this, the only perfect person that has ever been on earth, died for you, and you spit in his face and ignore it.
Christ died so that he could elminate the barrier between God and us, forgiveness, the ability to have a pure relationship with god. Take advantage of this gift he's given us, or atleast know it. Im not telling you to beleive in anything but im just saying that there is something to believe in, idk, just go through the bible, ready random chapters, whatever you want, but its chaged my life, and so many of my friends. Just think about it......