Replying to Style; turning into a big joke
.some years ago, everybody was skiin', lookin dope, some dudes, some gangstas, everything was aiight..
now ,
it seems everybody wants to get the silliest gear and look ridiculous as possible and people think it's OMG SO RAD DUUDE!!!!
personally, i thought it was cool for a few people to wear the neon suits, or flashy one-pieces, (but really only the pros can pull that shit off) but nowadays, everybody is striving to have that look.
the new oakley one piece. ugliest suit i've seen since the pukeshot..
why are people making a joke out of skiing? it's ridiculous. so many suits these days are either some variation of brown, or colorful camo, and it just looks silly.. what's getting into you people?
stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
(dfp represent)
keep it real.
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