Posts: 6650
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Okay, heres the deal, i'm going to make a time, say 5 pm Pacific time tomorow june 3rd
lets do the first one free to show this idea works,
I will deal the deck of cards in my house on a table beside my computer,
i can film the table, to show you i'm not trying to fuck anyone, but this can't be done life,
or we would be the shit..... (so far)...
it's regualar TExas hold em,
you each get 2 cards, to people,
The rounds will be 5 mins, to allow for me to PM each person with there cards/
then it will be, the betting with "E-Chips"...
Big and Small blinds to be decieded, now, i need to know how will be here online at this time tomorrow,
and i need 10 people who will to say 1,2,5,3 8, ect
to fill spots,
the game will be done in a private cult, then the results show in non-gabber
i thought of this this morning, and Yes, I am A jeenus,
example, a King Spade, king of heart, and a 2 of clubs were flopped...
round of bets....
you would know hwat your cards are,
5 of clubs.....
here comes the river...
ace of spades,
Results, someone could have had 4 kings, 3 kings, a spade flush, or two pair, those are the only hands that could have won,
we can use a nother thead to keep track of Echips each round...
no one chats, this is just an oldschool java based idea,
but i doubt it's ever been done,
THats How C.Faller DOes it Baby,
this is going to be fun.... i'm all in...
live by the N.E.R.D