it was to be expected coming from france. their own national pride and the care they take in preserving their own interests was sure to have the no vote. thats the way france is. to whine and complain instead of understanding the problem is a french tradition. when someone disagrees, you go en grève and stall to get what you want, and not try to understad what it is thy are against. once again, france comes across as an ego centric nation.
all the more glory to the US and china, moving on in the world today. frankly, i think this might be a good thing for some people like me, that depend on currency exchanges for their money. this could very well mean the end of the euro, and that would mean a stronger dollar, and therefore more money for me... but beyond my own personal gain; this could spell disater for the EU in general, and it may fall back on the Big 4 (france gremany italy and spain) and the 21 others get to fend for themselves.
the real tragic part is that it was a gamble by Chirac to boost his ratings. he didn't need the référendum, but he figured he might as well get some action going in his party. now it seems that raffarin will be leaving, leaving sarkozy wide open for prez. Chirca already gambled with a référendum before, and thats what landed him lionel Jospin as prime minister last term. so i think this was big mistake on the behalf of Chirac, and this could mean the end of the euro...
but on the other side of the story, the constitution was very vague. it didnt really enounce clearily what was going on. and like i said before, the french acted on their irrational fear of their own rights being taken away, and instead of trying to understand, they went all out no. but there is something you learn in frech school: ce qui ce conçoit bien s'énonce clairement... meaning that which is understood is said clearly. so i guess alot interpreted the vagueness as the EU not understanding what it was really doing.
but all in all, very bad news for chirac and the EU, good news for me and sarkozy.
- Patty
*NS Skateboarders* Vas y il l'a cassé!
the previous might have been pure genious, but it wasn't my intention. sorry.