well, last night was the bachelor party for that gay couple from the amazing race (alex and lynn) and i definately saw that as an opportunity to drink, party, and meet some famous dudes. it was a pretty good time, uchenna and joyce were also there (the couple that won the show) ,the local news....
anyways, to make things short, i got really carried away, drank way too much and went back to a friend's place, we had a fun time, and then crashed.
well , i forgot to mention that before she went to bed, she puked, just to rid her system of the alcohol, but i was just too tired.
..well, next morning, we wake up, we're both pretty hung over (and we only got a couple hours of sleep or something) ..had pretty good headaches, but i didn't care. she has a friggin tramp in her backyard, so i was up an on it in no time.
all i'd advise is that after a night of heavy drinking, don't bounce your poor insides to death, stirring up all the alcohol in your belly, because when she dropped me off at my place maybe 15 minutes ago, i was straight up the stairs and puking..
fuckin A man, what a shitty feeling. the night was good, the tramp was good, the aftermath, mmmmm.. not so good.
stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
(dfp represent)
keep it real.