running has been defined as a sport for a long time. the level of running and athletic ability involved is crazy to most people. even if some how you want to go against the idea that running is a sport, its still one of the most basic necessities to doing any other sports.
however, to all you people that are trying to get him with how hard it is, all sports have hard aspects. try blocking a 300lbs lineman, try getting past the biggest guy on the football team (center) that basicly is just trying to rip your head off. for me, being 150lbs it takes alot of quickness, speed, and strength to do that. day after game day the whole team always ran a 12 minute run. not that intense compared to some of the stuff runners do, but bear with me. so this 12 minute run you can either run back with the rest of the linemen, or you can run with the running backs. i ran wth the backs, and we did 2 miles in that 12 minutes. it was pretty intense for me, and it was a great way for me to build my endurance to play both sides of the ball all game. it improves your desire, toughness, endurance, everything.
still, no matter what you guys say, i've seen the wrestlers practice, and they by far have the hardest of everyone. i see the track and XC and soccer, and for those guys, its not that hard. they run a few miles every day, and hardly progress. wrestlers start out intense, and just keep getting more and more intense. they run miles and then get back to do hundreds of pushups, overhead lifts, and to climb a huge rope plenty of times.
but what i'm trying to get across is like i said earlier, all sports are hard, and they all take some skill, either natural or aquired, and running is deffinately a sport, and even if it isnt, its probably the most important aspect of sports since it improves all aspects that you need. so really, saying that its not a sport (even though its been considered one for thousands of years) is really just foolish.