Okay, I just spent an hour typing out the shit for this only to have the page reload as i was typing P>S. Pets Okay i'm buying a puppy!
SO for those of you that know or don't know, I'm trying to get one of the nicest rooms in whislter, itas a playboy suite in a Mulit million dollar home, The room has a 2 person hottub in it, and a 22ft bay window with the veiw of whistler,
but not just anyone can live there, and i'm still under reveiw from everyone that lives there, but fuck that, It's a $1000+ a month solo, and but, there is everythihng you could ever want in a house, and special offers like unlimited north america,
Now, If i get this place, you can hate me all openly, because if your not a hot chick, i'm not letting you come up to my room.,
If they don't let me in by today, fuck em, I found something just as good!
Apline: $1600 3.5 bedroom, hottub, dsl, fully furn
ext... washer dryer, blahb balhbl DSL!!! NS>
So my math say's it's about $380 each, or share a room and its, .... I'm sorry i don't do long division...
Ky SO, I've called 2 rooms solo open already, the other goes to my Boy PFD, yeah nigga,
so that leaves 1.5 rooms, The del is,
A couple, and a person in the assie closet, or a gay couple out of the closet, or maybe in, depends? (There are no fags in whistler...)
so, The 1.5 spots are being reserved for Anthama even thought he hates me?
ANd H30 Flims,
I plan on putting $200 as a pre-offer just incase she already has people selected, but fuck it, we have money to play with,
SO, If we actual land this place, shit will be dope, I have a big line of crdit that could be used on Stuff other than drugs and rent
I'm talking 2 new dcecks annd a dope Vestax set up, i can get a deal,
And Drum, & Bass, I hope you like it,
SO, list shit to buy for the new place, X Box, New CPU, ? CLoaths
seriously if i had to was a big of Dough...?? new bmx, and longboard.... skim board...
damit think people!
Okay, if the house is dope, I will make th whole offer tonight when I see the place,
Actually Ns boys, H3o flims, and Justin ANhthama,
i just have to tell you one thing
If i havene't heard from these 3 chicks bi- 6pm, you guys are in, but i have to warn you, There 3 18 yearold hottieS! form surrey, Thank you JEsus!
and.... if that want to cum, i'll get them ther
just keep hating me Justin Anth ahah\
okay, next,
anyone actually considering this, must reach a few min. conditions
at least 18, no exceptions
No, serious Drug users, E, coke are NOT cool every day... it leads to very bad things such as nicknames like "White LIghting" and its a bad wrap when your sous-chef gets told by a bitch at a bar that you were the biggest coke head in whistler last summer, yEs, fuck that, and them, The the skiing around here these past few days has been prectetic....
I must speake to the parents of younger guests, if your under 21 and a girl, i will want to talk to your parents 1st, because people get themselfs into shit out here, and i'm not hear to shovel you out,
I'm not drinking this summer, and Asides from weed I'd like to tell you i'm pretty much clean except for the past week,
I had a daily lift pass, but i clipped it last night....
Skiing is very expensive...
On another note, a bonus NS HATE MAIL LETTER!
SHould this become an NS LEdgendary post... Yes, it may.... I hope he tries to kick my ass, but he won't touch me, because he knows my friends will crush him in any bar in town
SUCK MY DICK ASSHOLE< here we go...
1st, what the hell gives you the right to pull out your dick and tell me to suck it, at least once an hour,
No, I don't want your dick, your a fag,
You shave your balls once a day, yet you used my new rasor and then realized so you threw it out, fuck you, buy me a new one,
ANd you die your hair pretty boy, it's not black ladies...
ANd another thing, I loved the time you came drunk to my room, and tried to straddle me in your boxers while i was peacefully asleep, I was actually praying to god, that you would rape my tiny asshole and spit in it like that mexican last week,
And how many diffenetly chicks have you fucked in the past week? no least tell them the 3 week record,? actuall the one week record was more times than i've every hooked up, thats awesome!
5 in 7 days, it's not pretty being easy, at least i .... can't comment on the subject.. * Chougf hookers? but.... no defence...
and i guess the over all total is about 10 in 3? wow,
and tell us all, Which nice young girls on ns they were,
this might hurt a few people. im very sorry.
Justin has eaisly slept with 150+ but he does have a big dick, so i guess the rash is gone...
Oh, and he might show up here, and call me BI-sexual bruce, Thankyou every much, I only have a condition called BI-polarism, it's not Bi-sexualism, and even if it were, FUCK YOU IT"S MY CHOICE< YOU CLOSET CASE FUCK
any chick on htis site knows what i'm talking about, I have been taking this abuse for the past 3 weeks, crying almost everyday, at some points glad i didn't ahve heavy pain killers around,
and he makes fun of me,
Fuck you, at least i can cry, Yes girls it's true, C.FAller is a flaming Homosexual,
which is why he will hit on every chick in the bar starting from HOt, to >>> not even human...
Yes, I have fucdkd a plastic blow up doll, and she gives better head that a few girls on this site,
ha, I which i knew a few of the girls on this site, but i keep falling in love with them and never meting them in real life, this is such a problem you should all 3 of you... quit everything and let me pay your rent all summer, we can have a jungle of love, :)
Justin Cenuablhaj IS never going to be welcome in any house of my from this point forward,
The asshole kicked me out this morning, because i woke him up hacking my lungs out, at 6 am,
I haven't slept in 3 day,s and i can't read the screen rigtht now, but i can tyro[e 50 wbps a mintur with my eysee colseed so I dont' really care,
FU jUsitn
Assclown I should call house and get him evicted for all the stupid shit,
Justin You were one of my closest friends, but the way you've treated me these past few weeks i think you have some major fucking problems to work out, go see a head doctor, trust me i"m an expert on the subject,
ANd have fun paying off your criedtiors of your $ big loan
i don't even want to talk about anything else,
Someday i hope we can forget about all this, but you fuckin wouldn't stop, i only asked you every day to stop, but you still had to tell everyone my dirty shit, GIrls hate me everywhere because of your lies, and the ones that are true...
Yes i have fucked 2 hookers. and guess what? that's it. i'm 21, i'm attrative and I"m a fucking virgin, I've never enjoyed sex, so it's somethin i don't do unless i think your hot, but no chick has every wanted me, except the 47 year old, but she rapped me, i wish i would have taking her to court,
what else?
If your enjoying this fine World war/??
BUy my book when it's ready, I have a fucking crazy life story, Learn just how NOT TO TURN INTO A PRO SKIER< but fuck you, I'm known as the biggest slut in whilster that never gets laid,
BLowe Me, and you willl ;-)
hot tubes, Bitches, and music
who wants to live in whislter?
pm me if your serious,
and if you have a justin story Share and win a prize3! OW3NED?
Viva tha Amercian Dream! Los Vis a!
Charge it, i mail order bride, One puppy,
and a side of mayo
p.s, i would like to start a film company that mr. mercer will me running, ladies you know what to do,
My name is, Craig Ryan Fredrick Faller, Faller, Baller, SHakcaller 20 inch rims on the impalla,
WHite lIght, Dirtcy C- and a few i can't menition I'm also know all over the lands as THe LIfejacket
Doc Vegas, Fear and loathing.... I just don't know anymore, actually I think these are all just lies, i need my medication, and i can't think striaght, But i am, I love th poontang...
I'm sorry if your hurt justin, but i almost killed myself because of you ,
ANd if you come 20 ft around me, My freinds know, and the ones that don't will be getting printed sheet of this eamil, yes i'm nasty,
Fuck with me? I'll shove my whole stumped 5/12 inch dick up you Cake hole, asskfuck,
i'm late for work
_Craig FAlller
live by the N.E.R.D