I have a console conspiracy theory for you all. Nintendo's Revolution is going to be made with Sony.
as the people who are interested in consol History might know is that in the begginning Sony and Nintendo were partners. Nintendo got Sony to make the playstation concept for Nintendo so Sony went ahead and right before completion pulled out of the project and used the technology they had developed with Nintendo to make Playstation wich should have been Nintendo's console.
so now to the conpiracy theory.
consider this:
- Sony's slogan "Welcome Change" and Nintendo's "Revolution"
- A statement by some guy at Sony:
"An old friend returns....
And an enemy becomes a friend..."
(Playstation 1 was originally developed to be cd drive for Nintendo)
- The countdown on Sony's E3 page ends exactly the same time Nintendo press conference starts.
please dont say this is total bullshit and its fake. the couple days before E3 have to be filled with rumours its a law I think.
Everybody Knows that Christians dont beleive in Gravity
I intend to live forever, so far so good
If you were touched by an angel call the police.