in the midwest our one jump at our hill is different everyday u hit it. from melting and freezing and melting and freezing. it sucks. everyday u have to guinea pig it at least once, and this year like mid feb. i went into it for the first hit and wasnt trying to get any speed, just kinda taking a couple wide turns into it. I actually thought i was going slow so i skated up it and ended up over shooting our like 20 footer by a good 20 feet or more. But what makes it bad is that the landings already really flat but on top of that its icy and since i was skating i got thrown off or something and started going back seat halfway through the air. My only thought was "god damn why'd i tell my friend to put the camera down." I landed flat on my back and couldnt breathe for 30 secs or so. my back still kinda hurts from that, and it made me really hesitant the rest of the season.
I ski at the crappiest hill ever...