If you have an hour, watch this documentry done by the BBC called "The power of nightmares: Shadows in the caves". It does a good job of potraying how and why the terrorist threat was created.
If you have 30 minutes, watch this preview of a movie called 9/11 The Great Illusion by George Humphrey. even though it is only part of the movie, it shows how without a doubt the US governemnt had prior knowalge and helped plan the events on 9/11.
If you want to see fotage of the colapse of Building 7, of Larry Silversteen saying he was going to pull the building, and many other intresting facts about the events of 9/11, and you dont mind doing a little bit of reading at the same time, this page basicly spells everything out, It give both sides of the arguments, then tries to dispell (rather sucsessfully) the side which says "this was not a conspiricy"
Like a virgin on promnight!
-Thom Savery
please pardon the cacography
hahhh ... i mean ... the weekend of monday'
"go down to the bottom bunk and finish yourself"
"I may be the last to cross the finish line, but at least im in the first race - pun intended"