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Getting suspended from CU....is that even possible?
Posts: 1758
Karma: 9
ya so the RAs found a couple of beer cans in our trash, and since this isnt the first time getting caught with beer, i might not be able to come back for next semester. WHat the fuck, i thought this place would be all fun and i was bragging to all my friends back home how lax it was gonna be and how much fun i was gonna be having....now im probably getting fucking suspended for a few beer cans? shiiiiit
'hey Lois, give Chris a break. I mean no TV? So he failed a class...its not like he felt up his cousin in the garage that Thanksgiving when I was 19.' -Peter Griffen
Posts: 3862
Karma: 140
it all depends on the RA...some are tools and some are cool. sounds like you got screwed. shit like that happens all the time though. my brother got tossed out of the dorms at du first semester for dropping water balloons on people from his 5th floor room, but he's back in now.
-Ski CO-
Jibij Pro Shop
Posts: 6943
Karma: 14
My bro drinks/smokes with his RA. every morning their trash cans are overflowing with eer bottles/cans, and there is a trail of old beer from the domr to the dumppsters outside
V-TOWN Bitches!
Posts: 2495
Karma: 101
my roomie almost got suspended b/c she had a beer can in her hand in the hallway... it was really dumb.
~ J u L i E ~
Yankees '05
Now that I have Citizen Kane and The Godfather, I can officially call Major League the best movie ever!
Posts: 14949
Karma: 9,239
yeaa it definately all depends on your RAs. im at emerson and I fucking partied every other weekend with my RA he was an indian pimpmaster.
Junction 133
Posts: 1758
Karma: 9
um...yeah the asshole who busted me the first time in february apparently takes the kids pieces he confiscates and uses them and shit...smokes with kids, tries to buy bud with them, and tries to drink with girls he wants to hook up with...except he never tried to smoke with me so i can never expose him without getting other kids in trouble.
'hey Lois, give Chris a break. I mean no TV? So he failed a class...its not like he felt up his cousin in the garage that Thanksgiving when I was 19.' -Peter Griffen
Posts: 428
Karma: 13
Me and my friends went camping 2 miles away from campus off a trail in the woods here in new york this past weekend...and aparently that was concidered campus...we got a write up, and 5 hours of community service.
i think the hardest part of the hole ordeal was dumping all our keystones and captain's out
no matter how hard you shake and dance, the last few drops go in the pants
Posts: 5616
Karma: 179
BUMMER caleb...thats a jones man
witty cent is now live on stage!
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