Replying to Something that drives me nuts...
Ok, everyday I read through different threads in the forums and everyday I see the same pathetic mistakes and it makes me cringe every fucking time. It has become quite apparent to me that a good portion of NS does not have a clue when to use the proper choice of the words there/their/they're and the words to/too. Come on people, this is basic english! To those of you from other countries, I understand if english is your second language, but this will be helpful "to" you "too."
Correct use of there/their/they're:
there: there are many uses of this word, but the most widely used is when discussing is as a place; examples: John sat over there. Let's go there to ski.
their: used as a modifier before a noun; examples: They brought their skis. I went over to their house.
they're: contraction of they are; examples: instead of saying "they are going to the movies" say "they're going to the movies"
Correct use of to/too:
too: in addition, also; more than enough; very; examples: Joe is coming along too. You can never ski too much.
to: use this pretty much anytime you wouldn't use "too"
I'm sure I'll get a few rude remarks about who cares, but the truth is, if you don't know the difference between these, somewhere along the line you will make yourself look like an idiot in front of someone other than NSers.
-Ski CO-
Jibij Pro Shop
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