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fuckin' A, i don't even want to tell the story now... but, here she goes.
so a couple nights ago i was just chillin at my place and decided i need to go out and do something, find a hotty, fuck... something. so i figured, hey, i've been chatting with kate for a while, she's a pretty chill girl, so i'll drive over to her place and maybe see if i can get something going. so i show up at her house, but she's not home. her brother invited me in a told me she's was going to be home sometime soon, she was just finishing up her yoga class. of course, in my mind i was thinking... sweet, it's worth the wait, this bitch has gotta be flexible and shit so that'll be pretty dope if i can get her in the sack. so i chilled with her brother for a while and finally she arrived. we sat around and talked just the three of us for a while and kinda set the mood and whatnot, and she was getting really turned on (i didn't know how, nor did i realize this at the time) and she said she had to go up to her bedroom for a minute. we were just thinking like... ok, sounds good, we'll just chill down here and play videogames or something. so her brother and i were getting really into the gaming, we were playing tony hawk and shit and it was getting intense. he's the only dude i've ever played that could actually get a bigger combo than me, so that pissed me off. about 15 minutes went by and katie was still in her room, except at this time, she was calling me to come up. of course, i didn't really think anything of it, and i was determined to beat that fucker's bigtrick combo. 10 more minutes pass and she's really fuckin irritated, she comes back down and is pretty ticked off by this time. her brother and i thought nothing of it and continued gaming. we play for a while longer, and then i realize that its getting late and katie and i should probably hit the road. so we leave, take a drive, and we end up at this restaurant that was really packed. there was some event going on we decided to check out, there was lots of music, it was wild. so we drove there, she was lookin all sexy and shit, and she said 'can we stay in the car for just a little while?' me, being the dumbass that i am, didn't really realize what that meant, and i said 'oh come on, it looks like fun, lets get in there!' so, yet again, i manage to fuck up the perfect opportunity and not even realize it. we get inside, there's some crazy ass dj battle happenin, and it was so fuckin ill. we had a great night, made out a little bit on the floor, it was just an awesome time. it was getting pretty late now (it was about 3:00am) and just before i dropped her off, again, she asked if i could pull into some random location, and this time she was blatantly obvious about her intentions. THIS time, i clued in, and this got a little hot. too hot for you guys to handle, and at the end of it all (well, the end of ME, if ya know what i mean)... let me put it this way, she wasn't finished with me yet. what the fuck was i supposed to do? i mean, when a guy is FINISHED... he's really FINISHED... i mean, at this point, there was no pleasure involved for me because i had already reached the climax, into her mouth, and that was just about as good as things get. so, before i took her home, she really really wanted more, but i couldn't give her more, and i just left it at that. i took her home, and she was kinda disappointed. but why?! i didn't understand! girls, you gotta realize that we cannot reload that quickly. we're like those oldschool guns that you have to put in one bullet, pack it in, get ready to fire, take your shot, BOOM, now you gotta load the next one. so she was kinda pissed off that i was done with her, and she wasn't done with me, but what can ya do. she's not the kinda girl that just settles for the tongue either. she has to have a dick all up in her and shit. but anyways, night was over, and i felt bad. so i decided to apologize, because when i took her home, she just had the worst look on her face. she was sooooo disappointed in me. i don't understand why, but she was. i've offered her more for the future, but she's one of those girls that needs a real ramming all at once, then she's kinda calmed down for a while, then needs more. so i guess she's finished with me, for now. sucks, but what can ya do.
that's how the story really went, and katie, you said you didn't mind if i told them, so don't get pissed at me for giving them the real side of it. you really know how to fuck, and i'm not bad in the sack, just... guys cant last forever. that 's just how it is. don't feel awkwardly about things either. i'd do it again in a second. that was one hellllll of a night.
stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
reppin' the dfp
keep it real.