Replying to Need a place to stay in/near minneapolis TONIGHT!!
we just drove 20 hours to minnesota from ottawa. we are on our way to whistlerrrrrrr!! we need a place to stay today (may 1st) PLEASEEE. we are going to the atmosphere show tonight, so we need to know before say...3pm? PLEEASE.
there are 3 of us....2 girls and one guy (Dfresh). weeee! please?
we are well behaved and well groomed!
we are leaving fairly early tomorrow, and we wont require food or shower or anything, just some floor space to crash on. PLEEEEEEEASE.
my cell phone number is 613-863-1540, i will pay you for whatever long distance charges it costs for you to call me...!! if for whatever reason that number doesn't work, call 613-266-0685.
i will love you forever.
help a fellow skier outtt?
ps - my name is Darina
far too fly to stay stationary...
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