Replying to Your favorite fights at school
aight talk about the craziest fights at your school.
this one happened right next to where i was standing in my fresh man year:
these 2 ghetto kids(seniors)(kid A and kid B ,to distinguish)started talking_ and one of their freinds was like "ay,ay,ay shawty, na shawty".next they started swingin' and thrwoing each other against the lockers and my freind next to me says" you know its school policy not to interfere".then all of a sudden this this kid who no one likes comes through the crowd yelling"hay hay guys,let's stop!" and tries to break it up.this kid gets punched in the face and yanked away by the security now these 2 kids have taken their shirts off with kid A on the ground and kid B pummeling his as its being broken up ,the asistant principlegot punched in the neck and had to go to the hospital.5 minutes later the bell rang to go to first period.what a great way to start off the day!
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