Alright, literally 15 feet from my apartment at school's window there is a house that we all knew was slangin drugs. I really didn't care too much about it; they did their thing I did mine. About a week ago the cops came and busted the place. Once again, that didn't really bother me (as I live in an all-student neighborhood, there can be a lot of shady shit going on).
So yesterday, I notice about 8 people in full fledged bio-hazard suits cleaning out the place! (mind you, this is dangerously to our apartment windows). So this is really fuken great, I have been living for about 8 months next to a bio-hazard site. Does this shit cause adverse health effects?! Now there is a nice sign on the building that says, "DANGER, this establishment is unfit for human occupation!"
I just had to vent about this, this pisses me off. Those bumper stickers I see that say "Tweakers Suck," damn, do they have that right.