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Dude bond gets nutty. He slide that table too..... and it had food on it. I hear that there is a deleted scene where he goes on switch and slides 180 on the table, picks up a glass of milk, drains it, and finishes sliding out the last two tables to switch out. They took it out cause his razor sharp edge sliced the neck of one of the people eating at the time. I believe it would have brought the rating of the film up to R due to the very singent rating system at the time. Since the idea from the begining was to create an international James Bond super corporation that was planning on taking over the world in 95, raising the rating level from PG to R would cause a terrible loss of revenues by loosing James Bonds biggest age group followers, the 10 year olds. Even with the Bond corperation's carefull scrutiny of editing for only acceptable content that would appeal to all audience's and age levels, the Bond corperation lost motivation when their plans for world domination slipped further and further into fantasy and began turning out films starring the likes of Pierce Brosnan and other such characters who delivered Bond corp. its final blow. The only thing that could stop this company was their own neglegence and you can see for yourself, Just check out the new james bond movie, Never Say Die coming to a theater near you in late november and see first hand the latest in the continuing downward spiral of the OO7 films. You are sure to leave this film spitting angry at the non exisitant plot line and extremly sub par acting stopping your hasty march to your vehicle only to snatch some little kids popcorn, at least that way the trip to the cinema wasn't a total loss.