^It sure does... is it actually possible that a politician is being responsible? Exposing the details of an event that could and has politically harmed him, thanks to vultures like Harper and Duceppe taking any advantage they can get to win a few seats in Quebec (can't blame them, politics is a dirty game)?Taking responsibility for past mistakes, even those of before he became PM? Holding himself partially to blame, despite having no knowledge at the time, and APOLOGIZING? A POLITICIAN is doing this? You're right. What the hell is going on here? This guy actually has some integrity. He's in no way qualified to lead a nation.
Meanwhile, anyone who actually thinks this through will say they'd prefer to hear the results of Gomery before an election happens... would you rather vote on conclusive, finalized determinations, or what we have now? There's just no reason to rush this. The conservatives are against it because they want to strike while the issue is still hot, but on the other hand, how can it hurt them to have 8 months to play this whole thing up? At any rate, I see a hell of a lot more strategic voting happening, even compared to last time... because no NDP and not many Bloc voters want to see Harper as PM. I can't blame them, he's an arrogant, sniveling weasel who I'd be embarassed to have representing me.
When the truth is, I miss you.
Yeah the truth is, that I miss you so.
And I�'m tired...
I should not have let you go.