Posts: 8556
Karma: 1,020
hahaha here's the covo we just had, can someone get a nice little owned pick for skibum?
Date Sent: April 20 2005 22:46:22 - (not read)
EastCoast_de...*$ --> skibum_*
well man you still haven't even come close to proveing your smarter then I, however, you have succesfully made yourself look a complete ass. How old are you?
Date Sent: April 20 2005 22:44:10 - (read)
skibum_* --> EastCoast_de...*$
thank you for admitting you're wrong
Date Sent: April 20 2005 22:42:33 - (read)
EastCoast_de...*$ --> skibum_*
just give up man, you damn well know that by the time i'm your age and my brain is more developed i'll be way more intelligent then you and i most definatley will not be hostile towards a kid for winning a pair of skis. i have a hard time to believe a kid studying meds. has time to argue with a high school student on vacation. get a life man, seriously, it's time to grow up.
Date Sent: April 20 2005 22:39:17 - (read)
skibum_* --> EastCoast_de...*$
body structure and healthiness are directly related
Date Sent: April 20 2005 22:36:36 - (read)
EastCoast_de...*$ --> skibum_*
the majority of Americans are concerned with overweight and obesity, However, being thin is not the same thing as being healthy.
Date Sent: April 20 2005 22:33:36 - (read)
skibum_* --> EastCoast_de...*$
overweight = fat, sorry to break it to you. Fit people half their chances of dying prematurel (Paffenbarger et al. 1986). It is also proven that a person with half the percent body fat of another person, has half the chance of getting cancer.
Date Sent: April 20 2005 22:29:19 - (read)
EastCoast_de...*$ --> skibum_*
i'm sorry did i say fat?
no i didn't think so.
an overweight person is more likely to live longer then a skinny person is what i said, correct me if i'm mistaken.
go back in your books and check this out, you might be blown away when you discover you've just been owned by a 16 year old junior in high school.
Date Sent: April 20 2005 22:25:36 - (read)
skibum_* --> EastCoast_de...*$
are you serious? Which fatty-rights pamphlet did you read that in? The fatter you are and the less you excercise, the higher risk of getting cancer, coronary heart disease, and numerous other ailements. I find it hilarious, as an Honours Biology, pre-med, student, that you would even suggest that.
Date Sent: April 20 2005 22:22:25 - (read)
EastCoast_de...*$ --> skibum_*
If i really felt like wasting my time on thinking of a come back that would be orginal i'd do so but i'm not wasteing that much time on your little "in shape" punk ass. I really do care about my life and because of my smarts I'll be going places unlike your lame ass, and only I know the true power that lurks in my head, and as i've said before i'm pretty positive it's a large sum more then what's in yours. About the healt thing, studies prove that an overweight individual will live longer as oppose to a skinny individual much like yourself. So while i'm here packing pounds while your in your grave I'll enjoy my "life".
Date Sent: April 20 2005 22:10:53 - (read)
skibum_* --> EastCoast_de...*$
Haha, why does it always seem that the come back of an idiot is "go kill yourself"? Can you not think of something else? Honestly, everytime I get into an argument with one of you kids, that always comes up. You seem to not care about your life too much, since if I took you up on that bet, you wouldn't have one anymore. You don't care about your health? I guess you are one of the millions of north americans who have no will power and have resided to an early death. Enjoy your "life".
Date Sent: April 20 2005 22:06:25 - (read)
EastCoast_de...*$ --> skibum_*
hahaha well you appear to be extremely smart, seeings how you can you such large words, but seriously you ar an inarticulate peice of shit who claims your smarter then I which in all reality I would be willing to bet my life against that statement. The fact that you think i care about being in shape is quite humorous. Your lame, quit this little internet trash talk bullshit that amounts to nothing and just waste my time, admit to the fact that i'm better then you and if all else fails kill yourslef.
Date Sent: April 20 2005 21:55:38 - (read)
skibum_* --> EastCoast_de...*$
haha, you're better than me in every possible way? I know I am smarter than you, more in shape than you, and I am a better person than you. Stop lying to yourself. You're a fat ugly piece of trash who wins contests on NS in order to make up for your lack of winning and achieving anything of significance outside of your little NS world.