Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,143
Ellerman was getting his arse handed to him so badly in this thread, that he's taken it to the PM system:
""you ride levins dick so hard. i can have an arguement and fight whoever the fuck i want on the internet when im right. but im over it now""
You could if you were right, but as it happens, you're a complete dolt. That was, all personal opinion about you or Levin aside, one of the dumbest comments ever posted on these boards. It always amazed me how you could have 50 people in one thread telling you you sound like a jackass and just ignore every one of them and persist in your would-be-humorous-if-it-wasn't-so-blatantly-irritating jackassery. What's more likely: they're right, or you are? Given that "You're a homo" is your idea of criticism, I'd say the odds are not in your favour on this one. Jesus... it's like Dspin7x is back, only not as funny, and dumb as a sack of hammers.
And threatening to kill people doesn't make it sound as if you're "over it". I hear you get banned for that these days...
When the truth is, I miss you.
Yeah the truth is, that I miss you so.
And I�'m tired...
I should not have let you go.