michael crichton: jurrasic park, eaters of the dead, timeline
robin cook: chromosome 6, acceptable risk
tom clancy: the bear and the dragon, the hunt for red october
jules verne: 20,000 leagues under the sea
isaac asimov: i,robot, foundation series
john krakauer's into thin air was a good read aswell
what are your faves?
i love apple, lanks, skibum_, lucyford, dfresh, d-rocket, cko, nopoles, gustle, spokaneskier, melvs, caden, freeskigrl24, mikee, wrightgirl, missy, jessbuff, seanpistol, doc.dre, dynstrtm, Spyderxtra789, schweitzerski, hey_cutie, almostaskiier, katesd, lateralis, eastcoastpride, ekunz, *jay*, t-schill, *pinkgrinder*, J.D._May, shorty_t, jib_tech, niwanyshyn, ever_murky, nsnski240 and the rest of you are a-holes. smiles :)) :)):): )):): :):))): :) :))