I used those statistics just to show that even voluntary seat belts reduced fatalities by a huge percent. But beyond that, your right about how much safety technology has improved.
Yes, you can't play on a paintball field without a mask, or use power tools without goggles, because both of these take place on private property, where the individual ownder is allowed to make the rules. Roads are not owned by the government in the same way. That's whyt here is an accepted difference between public and private property. If you accept that the second you leave your house, the government has complete control, with no boundries, over what you must do, then once again, your right to personal choice has been infringed.
The fact that seatbelt use is backed by the law is a violation of that personal choice. It's not a serious violation by any means, it doesn't burn me up inside that I have to do something, that I would volunteer to do anyway. In fact, I never even considered the argument until this thread.
When you get in a car and buckle up, do you do it because you fear the police will pull you over, or do you do it in the interest of personal safety? I know I do the latter, meaning the absence of the law would not affect me, or many other's view of seat belts in the slightest. In fact, if they stopped that "buckle up, its the law" campaign, and substituted commercials about the actual benefits behind wearing your belt, I bet usage would go up. It's been proven time and again that people are better motivated to participate in actions that they believe actually benefit them, as opposed to just fearing the law if they don't.
You keep missing my point, seat belts are not the devil, I don't deny that they save lives, or relieve a burden upon our health care systems. I agree with you two on both those points, I just merely think that seat belts should be used because people accept their value, instead of fearing the law.
'but think if i fall in love with a super model and she only gets wet in the pants by kids who no calc shit i wanta be READYYYYYYYYY!!!!!' - (0)jarjar(0)
'Hey, check out those ch